The developers of the proposed project at the former Sonoma Truck and Auto location will share their plans in a public meeting on Wednesday, September 6.
The 1.86-acre parcel has been vacant, and often overgrown, since the business closed and sold in 2011. (It topped our ‘Blight Spot’ list nearly two years ago).
The previous plan, presented in January of 2016, called for an all-residential development of clustered town homes.
Prior incarnations had envisioned a hotel, then a mixed-use complex of lodging, retail shops and a public market along with some housing.
The meeting will be held at the MacArthur Place hotel, 29 East MacArthur, at 5:30 p.m.
So sad that this empty weed filled lot is what has greeted locals and visitors alike entering our town..clearly somethings wrong with the approval process..almost anything would be better than this vacant lot..What an amazing corner MacArthur Place on one side and Fremont Diner going in across the street. Please do something here ASAP..at least clean up the lot and put a nicer fence around it in the meantime…we are better than this!
Having watched how Sonoma has been sold, its sad that our community was sold out and local residents have little or no say what so ever as to the future of our community.
From Darius Anderson to the Sebastiani’s evil side it’s clear that our community is no longer a family oriented community.
At 5:30PM on Wednesday, September 6 the developer is hosting a public meeting to get neighborhood input on the proposed project for this lot, to consist of both market rate and affordable housing plus a small commercial piece. Show up or shut up.
. . . The developer’s public mtg is being held at MacArthur Place.