
Election 2018: Sonoma City Council

Posted on September 22, 2018 by Sonoma Valley Sun


Seven candidates are running for three seats in the November 6 election. Where do they stand on these key local issues?

Housing: Is there a solution to Sonoma’s housing crisis, affordable and otherwise?

Development: How much commercial development in Sonoma is too much?

The Plaza & Wine Tasting Rooms: How is the proliferation of wine tasting locations affecting the Plaza?

Parking & Traffic: What solutions can you offer to relieve Sonoma’s parking and traffic problems?

City Budget: Why is Sonoma’s government always complaining about being short of funds?

 Candidate responses presented in random order


CribbHeadJames Cribb



Over 100 rental units, affordable and market rate, will soon be under construction in Sonoma. The Planning Commission approved the units over the past year. Accessory dwelling units offer a relatively easy short-term solution. But, given the statewide housing crisis, the full solution is longer range.


With overall changes in declining brick and mortar retail and increased telecommuting, I foresee less need for pure commercial spaces in Sonoma. We do need smartly designed mixed use projects with an emphasis on a variety of housing types in conjunction with typical local services like coffee shops, grocery stores and restaurants.

 The Plaza and Wine Tasting

Conventional retail has shifted on-line and to big box stores. Unique, locally focused business relating to valley agriculture are needed to keep our Plaza business environment healthy. Hybrid concepts like Abbots Passage and Frenchie are good examples of blending wine, food, retail and maker culture. Wine tasting is the core, but diversity is important.

Parking and Traffic

We need to prioritize implementation of the traffic mitigation solutions identified in our 2016 Circulation Element of the General Plan. In the draft parking study, over 100 additional Plaza adjacent parking spots were identified as available via a public/private partnership. If churches are added that increases the number to almost 300. This is simple to implement, brings immediate results, and requires no new infrastructure.

 City Budget

The largest portion (56 percent) of our City spending is on public safety (fire and police). This leaves less than half the budget to address all other needs. Each year that creates the need for careful evaluation of priorities. I support the proposed increase of the City’s TOT to 12 percent to boost our revenue. We must watch California Prop 5. If passed, it could decrease property taxes, another important revenue source — 22 percent in 2018.


image001 (1)Logan Harvey


Increase height limits and require that housing be built not only for low income workers but for middle income workers too. Develop an affordable housing trust with a 2% transient occupancy tax. Use this fund to partner with developers and build affordable housing. Pass just cause eviction and rent stabilization


Commercial development becomes too much when it outstrips the pace of housing. Our problems of housing affordability, traffic, and parking will all increase if we approve new commercial development without increasing housing in tandem. Additionally, Sonoma has been smart to curb the building of chains and big box stores.

The Plaza & Wine Tasting

Wine tasting rooms on the plaza used to be few in number but have since risen to 31 locations. We have surpassed what anyone would call a reasonable number of tasting rooms on the Plaza. As a result, I support the current moratorium on tasting rooms on the square.

Parking & Traffic

A huge percentage of our workforce commutes into Sonoma to work because they cannot afford to live in town. Building housing for our workforce and, if possible, prioritizing that housing for city/county workers will dramatically decrease our workforce. Beyond that I would like to see increased bike lanes and miniaturized electric local public transit.  

City Budget

Because Sonoma doesn’t have enough money to cover its budget. I support increasing revenue by targeting our tourist economy rather than decreasing services to residents or not fulfilling pension requirements.


unnamed (26) (1)Rachel Hundley


With enough committed voices and votes on the council, our housing crisis can and must be addressed. Adding to the revenue streams recently identified to support a housing trust fund, careful planning through the General Plan Update, and exploration and adoption of innovative housing models are part of the solution.


Our local economy provides us with the goods and services we need while generating tax revenue to pave our streets and keep us safe. The goal should be a healthy balance with a focus on local businesses. Clearer expectations will help steer future development toward what is healthy and appropriate.

The Plaza & Wine Tasting

Tasting rooms are one component of a larger question we should answer: what does a healthy and beneficial Plaza Retail Overlay Zoning District look like? If our goal is diverse businesses that also serve our residents, then our land use policies should be updated to implement that vision.

Parking & Traffic

We must address our problematic intersections, reconfigure the Casa Grande parking lot, and implement shuttle programs for special event days and employees who work on the Plaza. Safer bike routes means people will feel more comfortable leaving their car at home. Proactive planning can open the door for grant opportunities.

 City Budget

It doesn’t. Sonoma continues to set balanced budgets that are maximized for the improvement of our infrastructure, public safety and quality of life. Maintaining a sufficient revenue stream without relying on big box stores or the proliferation of hotels is challenging, but I will continue to support responsible fiscal management.


jack_ding (1)Jack Ding


While approving Affordable Housing projects that are made with quality materials and are built to last generations that are generous in both size and price, expand projects like ‘Earn it, Keep it, Save it!’ collaborating with the government, nonprofits and community to empower Sonoma Citizens to become homeowners.


How much commercial development in Sonoma is too much? I believe we can both protect Sonoma’s heritage and help it to grow in the future by working to support existing businesses and diversify the type of businesses by taking on a carefully selected few of larger businesses such as a tech company would bring many benefits to our city.


We need to protect our historical and small town character, an overabundance of tasting rooms on the square does not reflect the history and legacy of Sonoma. We must diversify and upgrade our business sector. If elected I will strongly support businesses that will maintain our small town charm.


We can lower our traffic by creating an area that limits access to cars and increases foot traffic on the weekends. We can do this by: building parking structures, providing trolley services, providing low cost, smartphone – bicycle services in town and build roundabouts.

 City Budget

I want an audit and examination of the city’s finances and reports that are easy to understand reflecting a true financial picture.   In the history, the city management misreported the financial statements with million-dollar discrepancy.   The pension obligation increased by 3 times in 6-7 years could be an emerging crisis.


image (2)Chris Petlock

Not waiving any housing requirements nor any inclusion unit requirements on new development.Setup a housing fund to help 1st time homebuyers, dedicating staff resources and actual cash from TOT. Also consider partnering with non-profits like SAHA and Burbank housing to build 100% deed restricted and affordable housing projects.


There is little left to develop in Sonoma for commercial or mixed use should be developed or redeveloped to provide local good paying jobs in desirable industries with minimal impact to the environment, traffic and provide diversity to our local economy so that the city is resilient to downturns.

The Plaza & Wine Tasting

There is too high a concentration of establishments serving alcohol, this violates the spirit and letter of longstanding California Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) concentration rules that are meant to protect communities. These rules should be enforced and taken into consideration anytime a new establishment applies to open in our community.

Parking & Traffic

Engage to secure a long-term lease for the Casa Grande parking lot and use some portion of the TOT, and some other revenue stream to make improvements to that lot to maximize use. Also work with Plaza merchants on employee parking, possibly a permit parking arrangement in Casa Grande.

City Budget

Who knows? The city doesn’t report the financial position, is years behind on audits. The City has repeatedly failed to respond to public record requests related to transfers out of the water fund. I think that too much money is spent on consultants and studies but no ability to implement.


FB_IMG_1517727200040Jack Wagner


Yes! We need to hold future development to prioritizing housing. The TOT increase could help with affordable housing. A tiny-homes project would help residents buy and build equity. We need to take the lead on a valley-wide homeless shelter. Require just cause evictions!


Commercial space in town constantly sits vacant for years. We need to focus development on housing. I would welcome a bowling alley, otherwise build housing!

The Plaza & Wine Tasting

I support a limit on wine tasting rooms on the plaza. We need to encourage economic diversity! Residents want shops downtown that cater to local interests. Local entrepreneurs need to be able to afford living and starting a business in town.

Parking & Traffic

I support local public transit and want to increase safe bike access within the City. We need more options! The City needs an additional parking lot downtown. Workers in town need to be able to afford to live in town.

City Budget

Because they spend thousands of dollars on changing the name of the “Community Meeting Room” to “City Council Chambers” and at the same time prevent the cannabis industry from bringing revenues into the City. Sonoma needs new leadership!


image1 (2)Madolyn Agrimonti


The City Council should consider partnering with neighboring cities to pool their funds for affordable and workforce housing. Whatever City has the available land will be selected to build the housing. Equally meant for residents from each participating City. This should be a Joint Powers Agreement to share common power.


The City Council is dealing with traffic and parking issues. Is that a sign of over development or lack of historic foresight to control the effects of progress? I think there are short term answers and look forward to the upcoming 2020 General Plan, the guide of the “citizens’ blueprint.”

The Plaza & Wine Tasting

An idea that had a very humble beginning became a problem. The number of tasting rooms was never regulated, mistakenly believing the market would control the number of rooms. Wrong! I propose not to extend another moratorium and set a goal to end the issue by the end of 2018. 

Parking & Traffic

An ad-hoc City Council committee can negotiate for parking rights at the Casa Grande property, and discuss the use of church parking and the high school lots. The City of Sonoma and our Valley needs a shuttle service like other cities in the county. Let’s get our fair share!



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