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How last year’s fires affected the arts community

The arts have played an important role in the community’s post-fires healing and rebuilding process, but maintaining financial support continues to be a challenge, according to a new report.

The Northern California Grantmakers organization studied the effects of the 2017 North Bay Fires on the arts communities in three counties, including Sonoma.

The report finds that artists have been profoundly impacted by the fires, due to physical and economic loss as well as emotional trauma. The impact of the fires has been disproportionately felt among arts organizations serving communities of color in the region.

“The arts bring communities together, breathing life and vital energy that strengthens connection and understanding,” said Ellen LaPointe, CEO of Northern California Grantmakers. “This is especially important during times of trauma and struggle, when art is a powerful means to help people grieve and heal.”

Artists and arts organizations are also a vital part of the North Bay economy, LaPointe said.

The report finds that more than half of arts organizations have seen a decrease in earned income; nearly two thirds of artists affected by the fires lost their studios completely, and over a quarter lost their homes, studios and work places.

A 2018 study released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the National Endowment for the Arts reports that the arts contribute $763.6 billion to the nation’s economy. In California, the arts make up 7 percent of the state’s economy.

The nonprofit arts and culture industry generated $80.4 million in annual economic activity in Sonoma County alone, providing $33.4 million in household income to residents. Every $1 of local government support for the arts generates an average of $3 in increased local tax revenues, according to Creative Sonoma.

Amidst recovery efforts, the arts have played an important role in the larger community’s healing and rebuilding process, but maintaining financial support has continually been a primary barrier.

Additional key findings from the report include:

  • While organizations continue to make ends meet, they report that donor fatigue and long-term sustainability in the wake of the fires is a primary concern. Nearly three quarters of organizations have seen no change in support from government or corporate sponsors since the fires.
  • Housing is of primary concern to artists and arts organizations; participants named that they have seen staff, the populations they serve and artists leaving their communities due to a shortage of housing further diminished by the fires.

Similar to other communities and industries in the North Bay, there is uncertainty among arts organizations about the long-term implications of the fires, particularly on earned revenue and donations.

General operating support is a first priority, and participants ask that funders recognize the importance of supporting whole organizations and the need for capacity building support, whether through skill-building trainings, workshops, coaching, technical assistance, or from more opportunities to connect and form partnerships.

The report was informed by a survey of 98 individual artists known to have experienced some level of loss, 39 arts organizations in Sonoma, Napa, and Mendocino counties. The report is available here.

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