Tireless Sonoma volunteer and inspirational community booster Marcie Waldron has passed away.
She was a longtime Sonoma Community Center board member, Vintage House board member and a part of Kiwanis Club of Sonoma Valley. Sonoma City Council named her the town’s Alcaldessa in 2015, the city’s highest honor for public service.
“I just call myself a community volunteer,” said the ever-humble Waldon.
Read her 2018 profile by Cat Smith.
As the SCC posted, Waldrin was “a champion of Sonoma and many of our local nonprofits, generous, a hardworking, creative spirit and always very stylish – we will miss you Marcie. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to our community.”
So sad to read of Marcie’s passing. I was a medical social worker at Sateliite Dialysis from 2007 until 2014. During that time, I was a representative at a Kaiser kidney support group at which Marcie was the facilitator. What I remember most at those meetings was Marcie’s continued hopeful attitude about her own health challenges – as well as her never ending support for every single person in that group. She was an inspiration to everyone who came in and out of those meetings. What a loss her death is to her family, to those living with kidney disease, and everyone who knew and loved her. My condolences to her family.
Dianne Vidmar, LCSW retired