Editorials ~ Sonoma Valley Sun


The to-do list of wishful thinking

Posted on January 21, 2021 by Sonoma Valley Sun

In the spirit of positive thinking, good vibes, and sheer dumb luck, we offer this list of hopes and dreams for the coming year.

  • That we emerge from this cocoon truly caring about all people who live in our Valley, and willing to sacrifice for everyone to have a better life.
  • That inequities, systemic and incidental, be acknowledged and addressed, and that the people in the Valley receive an equal share of resources and attention.
  • That kindness be the measure for all our decisions and actions.
  • That the City of Sonoma establish a Parks & Recreation Department.
  • That students return to school and the District serves students’ needs with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. 
  • That there is a post-pandemic resurgence of customers to help small businesses in Sonoma recoup losses and thrive. 
  • That the City of Sonoma regains its financial integrity and strength.
  • That a greater number of affordable housing units get funded, built, and become available.
  • That a new City Manager is hired who understands our community and its needs.
  • That people wear their masks and physically distance, and that this is enforced.
  • That the new Superintendent of Sonoma Valley Unified School District, to be selected, has a bold and visionary new plan for teaching in the district.
  • That both City- and Sonoma County-sponsored recycling programs be reinvigorated.

In the midst of this pandemic and the stress it places on the local economy, health, families, and government, it’s admittedly hard to think about the future, but the future is before us and this pandemic will end. This wish list is just the beginning; we’re sure that many of you have ideas and wishes of your own. We welcome your suggestions.

Sun Editorial Board


Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA