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‘This class has set a standard of perseverance and grit’

Camryn Berger, 2021 Salutatorian of Sonoma Valley High School, delivered this speech at the June 4 commencement ceremony.

Many would argue that it is a miracle alone that we are even standing here today. For, the class of 2021’s freshman year marked the beginning of the devastating Sonoma County fires. Then over the course of our four years we have cycled through exactly four principals, never seeming to convince one to stay longer than a year. And finally, the most rewarding year of our high school career came to a halting stop when an unexpected pandemic struck. 

But to be fair I think we are all over hearing about what we have missed out on. Instead I want to focus on what the Class of 2021 has accomplished and how we have continued, despite the setbacks, to press on. 

The Japanese say resilience is like a willow tree that bends in the storm but does not break. Class of 2021 you bent to the point of snapping. But like the willow tree, you did not break. Instead you flourished. 

While students were quarantined in their homes, incredible films were produced, musical instruments were learned, baking instagram accounts were started, and timeless artwork was created. We gained an appreciation for the self discipline needed to accomplish great things. There was no teacher standing behind us, pushing us to turn in assignments ensuring that senioritis wouldn’t prevent us from walking across the stage today. That was all you. And sure you may have snuck in a few extra senior ditch days by sneaking that camera off, but hey you’re still here. Most importantly, though, we learned at a young age that life is not predictable. We are not guaranteed anything. 

Even the most seemingly basic motions, such as going to school everyday, something many of us dreaded from time to time; we learned is not promised. 

But while it is easy to mark this year as the hallmark of our resilience we must not discount the four years that supported such positive growth. For it was those four years that prepared us to not only handle but to conquer adversity. Everything from the electrifying physics Olympics to battling it out during badminton tournaments allowed us to develop into the individuals we are today. 

Now, I want to bring your attention back to the willow tree. Willow trees grow extremely fast, but in order to obtain such growth they rely upon an immense system of roots; all interconnecting to ensure the tree has the proper resources to prosper. Keeping that in the back of your mind, fall of August 2017, this mature group of individuals sitting before me flooded freshmen hall, nervously reaching out but mainly remaining within their comfort group from middle school. But as the days passed and we viciously fought for the spirit stick our Freshmen teams began to meld us together, slowly expanding our system of roots. 

The years following no matter how many hours we put in or how many times we fixed last minute damages we never seemed to win the best homecoming float. That did not stop us from tearing up the dance floor, I know you all saw Jose at prom this year. 

As a class we have failed, triumphed, and transformed together. No we are not the same skittish freshman that walked by the dragon for the first time back in 2017. Thanks to the influence of our outstanding teachers, hard working staff, beloved parents, extensive community, and most of all each other, we have grown into adults that are ready to handle the various challenges that life throws at us. 

This class has truly set a standard of perseverance and grit that will endure for future generations. 

I am beyond thankful to have been influenced by such a wide array of brilliant minds and there is no doubt in my mind that you will all accomplish outstanding feats. So as we embark on this journey called life, remember your roots and understand that no matter where life takes you, they will always be there, holding you in place, bracing you in the storm. 

Class of 2021, it has been my honor to speak on your behalf. Congratulations and here’s to the next chapter of the rest of our lives.

Read Joseph Silvi’s Valedictorian address


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