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Last supper at the Depot Hotel

Things change, people change, it is inevitable. Sometimes we have to let go of something or someone we love because change has left the person, place or thing harmful to our wellbeing or incompatible with our beliefs.

We had our last dinner at the Depot Hotel last week. We have been dining there for the last 19 years. In addition I have been designing and setting up wedding floral design there and it was one of my favorite venues to work at. Though others may disagree with me, I have decided not to patronize businesses owned by the Mattsons or do floral design for clients at Mattson-owned venues.  I hear arguments against my decision. You are being paid by the client, they do not know anything about the Mattsons.  You are hurting the employees, who need to earn a living.  Everyone has a right to their religious and political beliefs and you should not judge anyone else.  

I understand why many business and property owners have sold to them. Each has personal or financial situations that require them to sell and if the Mattsons are the only buyers willing to pay the price, I cannot judge them.

I also see many of these Mattson properties and businesses stagnating, just sitting vacant. Making me wonder about something beyond ideology. What is the ultimate purpose in buying all these properties?  And why buy up our town and valley at this time?

Over the past three years I have written many times about this subject.  I have asked over and over again for the Mattsons to have this discussion that they promised our community. There has been no response. The question remains, do they still feel disgusted by same sex marriage, do they along with Tim Le Fever, their business partner, still support and fund the Pacific Justice Institute and Capitol Resource institute?  These two organizations work day and night to create hostility toward the LGBTQ community, women’s rights, teaching inclusivity and tolerance in our schools.  In short they are against everything I believe in.

My husband Dave and I became aware of the two groups I have mentioned during the campaign that passed Prop 8, a measure to prohibit same sex marriages. Dave’s daughter is bisexual, so her right to marry who she chooses was personal to us. In following these groups’ activity we recently learned they are promoting the idea that teachers must wear body cameras.  The idea that teachers have to be watched to make sure they do not discuss tolerance and understanding of those different from them is appalling.  Though many parents feel they and they alone should determine what their children hear and see, we have never felt that way.  This is what real discussion is, talking over our ideas, different points of view and not closing your mind to those that are different from you.  So I ask the Mattsons, once again, let’s have this dissuasion.  Meet with community members, talk to us, be open and be honest with us.

People change, their ideas evolve.  Remember when Barack Obama said his view on same sex marriage was evolving?  Well he evolved and grew to understand.  I am asking once again, talk to us.


One Comment

  1. Jerry Bourne Jerry Bourne

    Well said & thank you, Jerry Bourne

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