
Connolly for Assembly

Posted on October 2, 2022 by Sonoma Valley Sun
I’m an environmentalist and I’m supporting Damon Connolly for Assembly in Sonoma and Marin (12th district). That’s because I know him and have worked with him as Marin County supervisor. He stood up for salmon protection in Lagunitas Creek, helped found Marin Clean Energy and Sonoma Clean Power and consistently voted for city-centered growth.

He is an environmental and climate champion who gets things done; and he knows how to reach out and build coalitions. He is grassroots all the way. Damon is well-versed on housing, transportation, wildfire protection, and a spectrum of land-use issues.

Best of all, when you email or phone him, Damon actually responds! Damon will be the voice of the community at the Sonoma Developmental Center and won’t cave in to developers.

Before you vote, come meet Damon in Sonoma on Thursday, October 13, at the Community Center Garden Park from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Or just give him a call. Search for Damon Connolly for Assembly. Once you do, and see his record and accomplishments, I think you’ll join the vote for Damon.

 — Teri Shore, Sonoma

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