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A vote for Deegan

I have long been concerned about the current direction of the past and current leadership in the City of Sonoma. We have three openings on our City Council and the opportunity to elect individuals that will actually be in a position to bring effective change to our small community.

“Bringing Sonoma Together” is the focus of one such candidate – Mr. Tom Deegan. He and his wife are long-time residents and Tom has the education, background, and desire to bring fresh ideas to the Council while listening to the voice of the people. Something I for one appreciate.

Mr. Deegan has a vision and a plan. He supports open dialogue, respect for differing opinions,  and meaningful compromise. I believe this candidate can and will restore public confidence in the leadership of our city government.

— Laurie Sebesta, Sonoma

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    One Comment

    1. Judith Friedman Judith Friedman

      Property and business owners within the city limits, but live outside the city limits, are prohibited to serve the community within the City. This is an outdated and should allow for greater participation of all valley residents

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