Sonoma Valley Sun


Safer crosswalks coming to Hwy. 12/Verano Ave intersection

Posted on August 18, 2023 by Sonoma Valley Sun

With its long crosswalks and commute-time traffic jams, Highway 12 at Verano Avenue is one of the most dangerous intersections in Sonoma Valley. The site of numerous accidents over the years and three pedestrian deaths since 2020, CalTrans – the state agency responsible for highway safety – is responding to demands to make it safer for pedestrians to access nearby the shopping centers, fast food outlets, two major bus stops, and Maxwell Park.

Starting August 23, Caltrans will change traffic light signalization at the Highway 12/Verano Avenue intersection. Crews will begin  implementing what traffic engineers call an “all phase” pedestrian timing pattern where all motorized traffic will be halted by red lights when a pedestrian activates the pedestrian signal.

Caltrans will also install electronic “No Right on Red” signs to prohibit right turns after the pedestrian signal is activated.

The safety project was prompted by citizen complaints. In response, Caltrans and the County of Sonoma made several modifications to enhance safety at the crossing. The most significant changes will come when the signal timing is changed next week, and when a left-turn lane is installed on eastbound Verano Avenue in a separate project two years later.

Caltrans held a public meeting in June 2023 to obtain public comment on two signalization options. Also, the public could voice their opinion through the Caltrans project webpage.

The split-phase option would implement exclusive phases for motorists and pedestrians on westbound and eastbound Verano, eliminating the conflict between left-turning traffic and pedestrians.

The other option, called the “all phase,” is a more restrictive option for motorists but safer for pedestrians. After analyzing comments made online and at the public meeting and conferring with local government, Caltrans decided to implement the “all phase” option.

This week, Caltrans will install the electronic “No Right on Red” signs and roll out portable electronic message signs to inform the public of the upcoming signal change.

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