Sonoma Valley Sun


Sun on the Street

Posted on September 2, 2023 by Sonoma Valley Sun

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Susan Hoeffel, Sonoma

I started out as a dancer. And then I became very much in the business world and was very into left-brain stuff.  When I retired, I chose to live in Sonoma. I had no idea what a great community it is and started the give-back part of my life. Now I am back and am on the Board of Directors for the Transcendence Theater Company and have both my left brain and right brain working. 

Sam Taylor, Sonoma

All 50 states by motorcycle (but in Hawaii, I had to rent a motorcycle.).  Missed just one of the capitals in each state… in Juneau the bike never got off the ferry. The glory was that I got to see all of the country. I like to travel and I like to do it on two wheels because everything is open. No windows; it’s definitely an immersive experience. It’s about happiness and learning. 

Nina, San Jose

My greatest achievement is finishing pastry school. I always wanted to do it and I did it. I enjoy cooking, I enjoy baking. I enjoy tasting all the good pastry.

Jennifer Jones, Bellingham, Washington

My greatest is being a single Mom. It’s one of the most challenging aspects of my life. It never intended to be that way but it is. I realize how much one can give love and be loved.

Andrew Koenigsberg, Petaluma

I was involved in the Arts, I directed and produced shows when I was in high school. When I got into college, I went into business. All these years later I found myself living in Sonoma County. I joined the board of Transcendence Theater Company in 2016 and really loved being back as I was a frustrated creative. I enjoyed being a part of the Arts, which I really wanted since I was 16 years old.  That has really spawned so many wonderful opportunities including being a producer and a part of theater and film; taking steps to fulfill what I think was my dream from the very beginning. 

Tim Fogg, Cotati

My family is my greatest achievement in life. I am very proud of all my family members: my mom, dad, sisters, nieces, and nephews…they make my world turn. Every time I get to reach out to them, I learn something neat. I see a lot of myself in them and them in me. An ongoing education. It’s great.


– Interviews and photos by Denise Webster


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