The environmental attorney leading the lawsuit to halt the Sonoma Developmental Center project, Janis Watkins, is among the panelists who will discuss the issue in a Zoom meeting on Monday, October 23. Hosted at 8pm by the Sonoma Valley Democrats, the panel will be moderated by Teri Shore, consultant at Environmental Policy and Communications, and former Advocacy Director at Greenbelt Alliance.
The developer chosen by the State of California is proposing for the SDC campus nearly 1,000 homes, a luxury hotel and more on the historic campus in the heart of rural greenbelt, wildlife corridor and wildfire area. While there is a dire need for true affordable housing in Sonoma Valley, only a small number of those units fill that need — and what about wildfire evacuation?
Two community groups have filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Impact Report, contending that it failed to do baseline studies on the wildlife and failed to provide long term protections for the wildlife corridor or ecology of the area.
Joining Shore, a Sun columnist, will be Janis Watkins on the SDC EIR lawsuit and Norman Gilroy on the SDC 100 Year Plan, and possibly others. For more details and Zoom info email: [email protected].
Meeting details:
Topic: SV Dems Gen Mtg Oct 2023Time: Oct 23, 2023 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 867 6399 3296Passcode: 072713