At press time, the country is freaked out (a/k/a “aghast”) at the seemingly endless violence sweeping the Nation. Shootings, stabbings, explosions and riots seem to be constant, and vile exchanges (e.g., “#!!&*% you, too!”) flood social media.
But relax. Just Relax.
We can handle this. We’re Americans. Violence is the Essence of the Nation to which we pledge allegiance, the America embraced by migrants fleeing violence abroad only to be slammed against a wall by ICE.
The first century of our history set the tone. The War of 1812; the “Manifest Destiny” to obliterate Indigeneous Peoples; brutal slavery and a Civil War to end it; expeditions to the Halls of Montezuma, the Shores of Tripoli and Cuba to kill people because . . . Does anyone remember why?
With two World Wars (not our idea), America’s deadliest 20th century violence was outwardly focused (e.g., see “atomic bomb”). Except, of course, for Prohibition-era mob violence; the massacre of black Americans in Tulsa, Oklahoma; routine lynchings in the South; clubbing striking workers in the ‘30’s and beating/gassing/shooting anti-war and civil rights demonstrators in the 1950’s, ‘60’s and ‘70’s. America still found time to “take it to the Commies” in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and to draft resisters at home. Plus several bomb-and-bullet excursions to Central and South America and – again – Cuba.
The 9/11/2001 World Trade Center attack engineered by Bin Laden (remember him?) excused numerous 21st century American expeditions to the Middle East and a $2.3 trillion, 20-year war in Afghanistan that killed thousands and which we . . . yeah . . . lost.
[NOTE: America has waged or funded wars on every continent except the polar ice-caps. Our $916 billion military budget dwarfs those of major adversaries (China $330 billion; Russia $130 billion). Still no cure for gout, however.]
Though violence at home does not abate while we’re warring abroad (e.g., see “Trayvon Martin,” “George Floyd”), there is some recent good news: There were only 40,886 gun-deaths in America in 2024, vs. 46,278 in 2023. So, hats off to our wig-headed Founders for guaranteeing our right to bear arms, which is helping to control over-population, the root cause of global warming.
Because much of America was illiterate prior to the 20th century, books didn’t ignite much violence. But with the advent of radio, film, TV and internet, the negative impact of violent news and entertainment on kids, particularly cisgender kids with penises, was magnified. See: See also: “January 6.”
Thankfully, Violence Sells. As gladiator savagery once drew crowds of ancient Romans to the Coliseum, acts and tales of violence draw Americans to arenas and theaters, providing countless jobs and $$$ for those who stage, act, film, televise and promote it. Joe Louis and Rocky Balboa are legends. Millions recently cheered their favorite team in the Violent-By-Design sport of football, played in a “Superdome” where the cheapest seat was $2,500+. (Ed. Note: Seats in the Roman Coliseum were free.)
And, yes, violence has infected journalism. If a news report lacks violence, many editors (not thispaper’s editors!) will add it. E.g., politicians don’t merely “disagree” with their opponents –- they “slam,” “blast,” “rip” and/or “bash” them. Surprising developments are “explosive!” Other examples would “blow” your mind.
So after the next mass shooting, church bombing or truck driven into a Farmers Market crowd . . . RELAX. It’s America. Yes, it’s often terrifying, but without constant violence, including sexual violence – which can’t be shown on TV because it’s ‘dirty’ – America would just be . . . what . . . Canada??
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