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New Master Tree List to Be Considered for Adoption by Sonoma’s City Council

At its meeting of March 19, 2025, the Sonoma City Council will consider adoption of a revised Master Tree List. The list provides recommendations about tree species applicable to street tree planting and feasible locations.

The Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Commission has been working on a new Master Tree List as part of an ad-hoc committee. The tree list is a document that is sent to all approved tree removal permit applicants after their tree removal permits are approved. The list has not been updated recently and needed an update. Commissioners Misuraca and Donnelly have worked with City Arborist John Meserve to compile a new tree list.

The Master Tree List was previously presented at the September 11, 2024 PROS for adoption, however, the commissioners felt that more refinement was needed and voted to create an ad-hoc committee to finalize the list. Commissioners Jess Misuraca and Savannah Wellander volunteered to be on the ad-hoc committee. The ad-hoc committee met on October 28, 2024 to review two standing tree inventory lists. These outdated lists were intended to assist in selecting trees for replacement in residential settings. Commissioner Misuraca and staff (Mike Berger, Director of Public Works and John Meserve, City Arborist) discussed and reviewed both lists, and utilized them to finalize the draft Master Tree List. Commissioner Misuraca conducted a great deal of research into different types of trees, their preferred climate and feasible locations for planting. All of this has been compiled and noted in the resulting City of Sonoma Master Tree List.

The new Master Tree List was presented at the December 11, 2024, PROS committee meeting. PROS commissioners approved it unanimously. The next step in this process is formal adoption of the City of Sonoma Master Tree List by the Council. Once adopted, the new list will be posted on the City’s website and sent out to all approved tree removal permit applicants. Applicants are not required to utilize this list for replacement trees but are encouraged to use it.

One Comment

  1. Judith Friedman Judith Friedman

    Recommend adopting the Int’l Dark Sky org Into the plan

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