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A Treasure Beyond Value

Editor: When author Jack London saw Sonoma Mountain, he knew he'd found a treasure beyond value, and it would become his chosen place. It was fed by mountain water creeks, anointed by year-round sunlight, all of which bestowed soil so rich it would bring forth... Continue

Larry Barnett: The Great Leveler

Did you ever laugh so hard for so long that the next day your abs hurt? I have, and I miss it. Belly laughs seem to be in shorter supply these days. I don’t know if it’s the times or me that’s changed, but I’m... Continue

The Bonsai Show: Wood & Stone – Until March 30

Sonoma Botanical Garden Glen Ellen January 10–March 30, 2025 Step into a miniature world of timeless beauty where stones become mountains, and intricately crafted trees evoke ancient forests. Experience the serene beauty of bonsai this winter with 20 works by artisans from the Redwood Empire... Continue


What is love? A product of the heart, a purely physical reaction to emotional stimuli, or is a complex interplay of brain chemistry, neural pathways, and evolutionarily developed survival mechanisms? Continue

 Katy Byrne: Oh, Oh – Valentine’s day! 

I ran into a woman who said she wanted me to write about relationship conflict, and since it’s Valentine's season, here goes. I try to make it simple for folks because when we're in an angry, uptight catfight, it's not easy. You’re probably not going... Continue


63% of heavy lifetime cannabis users exhibited reduced brain activity during a working memory task, while 68% of recent users also demonstrated a similar impact Continue

Sonoma Firefighters at Palisades Fire  

Valley Chief Brian Cyr Leads Fire Line Saving former Sonoman’s Neighborhood By Anna Pier Eight firefighters and two engines from Sonoma Valley Fire District left for Los Angeles the evening of January 7 to assist with fighting the devastating fires that started that day. A... Continue