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Is reality shaped by our observation? The idea, proposed in the '70s by the late John Wheeler, once seemed outlandish. But could he be right? Continue


We've been trained—and we've trained ourselves—to expect instant everything. But life doesn't just happen in the big splashy, planned moments. It's built right into the pauses Continue

Praxis Speaker on Zoom: Anne Sheridan – The Degrowth Movement

Anne Sheridan has worked with SanDiego350, California Doughnut Economic Coalition, Degrowth California, DegrowUS, and the International Degrowth Network to develop strategy, advocate for policy, and build organizational capacity. She is motivated by a vision of a world where everyone works to meet each other’s needs... Continue

Hive mind

Are we on our way to the Hive Mind? “We’ve got now three humans with Neuralinks implanted, and they’re all working well,” Musk said. Continue

Larson Park Improvement Project Moving Ahead This Year

The majority of funding for Phase 1 construction has been secured, and Sonoma County Regional Parks is in the process of completing the improvement plans and specifications to secure our building permits and publicly bid the project.  The project includes updated water and sewer service... Continue