Anna brings an entrepreneurial flair to all her ventures, all deeply-rooted in her life's purpose to help others, both in her native Rwanda and here in Sonoma. Seated outside Bon Marché Thrift Store, enjoying a Rwandan brew from her new Coffee Cart, Anna tells Anna... Continue
A series of storms will begin to move into our region on Tuesday of the this week, increasing in intensity into Thursday. Several inches of rain may fall, and given the saturated soil, minor flooding may occur in creeks and streams. Be prepared. Check road... Continue
The highly sensitive person: Those with this little-known trait think more deeply and feel more empathy. But they also deal with significant challenge Continue
By Andrew Emer Let's talk roundabouts. Anyone who pays attention to the flow of traffic, and/or has been to Europe, understands both their purpose and functionality. A roundabout is basically a big circle that a driver yields to enter and, once inside, has the right... Continue
A movie by Paulino Duran, called “Chasing Bliss” was screened at the Sonoma International Film Festival a few years ago. It was described as a search that brings Duran to the happiest country in the world, Finland, where he embarks on a journey to test... Continue
Thank you, David Bolling, for your eloquent, heartful and ironic story of Maryanne. It truly warmed my heart. I lived on the Old Hill Ranch behind SDC for many happy years, remember well some of the unique residents who spent their lives there, and knew... Continue
Asteroid anxiety - Astronomy’s 300-year quest to predict cosmic collisions: Fears of celestial collisions - and calculations of their likelihood - go back to the very origins of modern science itself Continue
Greenlinks, a set of green infrastructure policies and goals supported by a broad coalition of community groups and city commissions, was included in the adoption of the council’s 2025 goals at its meeting of March 5, 2025. Over the last year, advocates of the Greenlinks... Continue
Readers have no doubt noticed reports in numerous media that Americans are increasingly alarmed, concerned, disgusted, incensed and/or out-of-their-mind-outraged in their assessments of President Trump. From a blizzard of executive orders, to middle-of-the-night postings en route to the toilet, to firing thousands of federal employees... Continue
By David Bolling While official confirmation is still not forthcoming, three sources inside the Press Democrat’s mid-level management have confirmed the Santa Rosa daily newspaper is close to a negotiated sale to the Hearst Corporation. The sources, who chose to remain anonymous, work inside the... Continue