Sue Weitendorf, right, of Call of the Wild Cat Fanciers presents a chect for $800 to Monna Throop, Pets Lifeline shelter supervisor. Each February this club, part of the Cat Fanciers Association, puts on a two-day show at the Santa Rosa fairgrounds. Profits from the show go to North Bay animal shelters, including Pets Lifeline. “Tilt” the cat seems very pleased with the idea.
Sue Weitendorf (R) of Call of the Wild Cat Fanciers presents a check for $800 to Monna Throop, Pets Lifeline shelter supervisor. Each February this club, part of the Cat Fanciers Association, puts on a two-day show at the Santa Rosa fairgrounds. Profits from the show go to North Bay animal shelters, including Pets Lifeline. “Tilt” the cat seems very pleased with the idea.
Photo: Kathleen Lawton