Dear Dr. F: I have an interesting story about a pet psychic. A couple of years ago one my cats, Mango, disappeared after it rained for a few days. My husband and I were very worried and looked all over the neighborhood and even put up flyers. I finally contacted a pet psychic I’d heard about from local pet sitter Mary Deely. I believe this psychic was named Carla and she was in Sacramento. Anyway, she asked me several questions and then proceeded to tell me that my kitty was hiding five houses to the right of my house. I had been concentrating on the left side. At first I thought this woman was crazy, but then she said Mango was scared because there was a dog at that house that had scared him. She also told me Mango wanted to come home very much and was doing OK; he was behind some lattice work.
Within two hours of the contacting Carla, I received a call from my neighbor five houses down to the right that my orange kitty was up on their roof. If I hadn’t gone through this myself, I wouldn’t believe it, but I think this was more than a coincidence. Thanks for being more open-minded about this. I’m glad to have my Mango back where he belongs.
Lisa, Sonoma
Dear Lisa: Thanks for the story. I appreciate being reminded there are people who are really gifted spiritually and they can help bring our lost pets back to use using these gifts. I’m so glad your pet got back to you, and it’s great that Mary Deely was able to refer you to someone who helped.
Dr. F
Dear Dr. F: In response to your last column regarding pet psychics I would have to differ with you on pet psychics. You clearly made it sound like psychics were a hoax and money not well spent. I have a friend who locates missing pets as a business and has rescued many missing dogs, cats and even birds. Perhaps you could be a little less high-and-mighty and more humble regarding this sensitive matter.
JL, Novato
Dear JL: Thanks so much for your input. I had no idea I was coming across like a jackass in my response, so I apologize as it was not my intent to be arrogant or dismissive in any way. I suppose the whole notion of pet physics is a new and somewhat bewildering arena for me, so I am pledging to learn more about it and stay open to the subject and find out more about it so I can remain in a more humble and vulnerable space rather than seem high-and-mighty. Your constructive criticism is accepted squarely and I hope you will send me the name of your friend/associate in case I need to make a recommendation. Thanks for writing.
Dr. F
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