You pick the creek, you pick up the garbage.
On Saturday, April 17, the Sonoma Stream Stewardships and Sonoma Ecology Center will stage Earth Day cleanups at three different creek sites in Sonoma. Volunteers will spend the morning removing debris from Sonoma, Nathanson and Fryer Creeks.
“We had 12 hearty volunteers at our first stewardship-led cleanup on a rainy February day, and we collected 200 pounds of garbage,” says Mallory Davenport, Maxwell Farms Regional Park stewardship leader. “We are hoping for a sunny morning to collect even more garbage before it reaches the ocean.”
The cleanup sites are: Fryer Creek behind Sassarini Elementary School at 652 Fifth St. W.; Nathanson Creek Preserve behind Sonoma Valley High School and Adele Harrison School; and Maxwell Farms Regional Park at 100 Verano Ave. with parking fee waived for volunteers.
“Removing garbage from Sonoma’s creeks is a great way to improve ecological health,” said Julie Jehly, watershed stewardship coordinator at Sonoma Ecology Center. “Once people know about the harm our waste, especially plastic, does to shore and aquatic animals, they want to get involved and make a difference.
All ages and skill levels are welcome, but children must be accompanied by an adult. Volunteers will be getting dirty, said Jehly, who urges participants to wear sturdy shoes and to bring gloves, a snack and refillable water bottle.
“We’re happy to see Sonoma residents coming together and caring about their creeks,” Jehly said.
If you are bringing a group of 10 or more people, RSVP to 996.0712 ext. 115 or