That smell coming from your mailbox is a higher garbage bill, the fifth rate hike in the past five years.
The Sonoma City Council unanimously approved Wednesday a 5 percent increase to take effect immediately. The impact on the typical residence will be 55 cents a month.
The fee went up 4.1 percent last year, 5 percent in 2008, 12.3 percent in 2007 and 9.9 percent in 2006.
This year’s boost might have been higher if the Sonoma Garbage Company had not figured out other means to fund a much-needed $360,000 garbage truck. That money will come from the savings the company will realize by trucking half of the garbage load to Napa instead of the Sonoma County facility. The move saves hauling costs and facility fees.
The new truck will replace a 1989 vehicle that no longer meets air quality standards, according to SGC consultant Ken Wells. Because business is off, the company has drawn down its equipment fund to subsidize lower revenues. The newly approved maneuver is a way to collect extra money without raising rates, he said.
“We’re fortunate to have an alternative to fund the new equipment,” said Councilmember Steve Barbose.
The rate hike is based on a pre-determined formula called the Refuse Rate Index, said Deputy City Manager Carol Giovanatto. As per the contract with the Sonoma Garbage Company, city staff perform an annual financial review to calculate any appropriate increase.
The process results in a more accurate rate adjustment, she said.
Councilmember Steve Barbose called the increase “quite modest,” and that it is built into the agreement. Technically, if the city does not agree to annual rate increase, it violates its contract with the garbage company.
Sonoma resident Herb Golenpaul told the council that the increase may sound small, but combined with other rising costs such as water and PG&E, the total is a hardship on people with fixed incomes.
Councilmember Joanne Sanders said she sympathized with that point of view, but Sonoma’s rate remains relatively very low. Similar service in Napa is more than twice expensive, said Sanders. She voted against a rate increase last year.
Councilmember Ken Brown also acknowledged the financial challenge, but said the local garbage company delivers “stellar service.”
“They’ve done a fantastic job of serving us,” agreed Barbose.
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