Sonoma Valley High School’s new web site is up and running and the powers behind it want to share the news. A large contingent of volunteers including teachers, parents, and administrators in conjunction with the Teacher Support Network of the Sonoma Valley Education Foundation are universally pleased about the completion of the first phase of the new user friendly website at
The new site offers parents, teachers and students easy access to relevant school information and activities including academic programs, athletics, the arts, student counseling, parent connect, daily bulletins and also information for prospective high school parents. The website can also be viewed in Spanish by clicking the “Spanish language button.”
“This is a perfect example of the role SVEF can play in partnership with all the elements of education, parents, teachers, administrators and students,” said SVEF Executive Director Laura Zimmerman. “With information clarity so important these days, and critical during the high school years, this upgrade of the high school website is a positive reflection of the direction our schools are headed. We have already heard that students feel proud of the way their school is now portrayed on the site.”
The TSN volunteer team worked through the summer months and into the fall to complete the redesign and implementation of the new site. The new home page was designed to immediately portray a vibrant high school, with a rich array of academic, arts and athletic offerings. There is also more visibility for the College and Career Center. “The site now reflects the total educational experience of the student,” explained TSN Director Lynn Ross, “and it gives teachers a platform to better describe their programs and communicate with both students and parents.”
The team of volunteers included team leader and project coordinator Megan Kaplan, TSN Program Director Lynn Ross, Andrea Gray, Britta Johnson, Mary Poppic-Reeves, Ginny Westcott, Patricia Angeloni, James Fanucchi, Haley Kaplan, Eva Lindstrom, Alison O’Donnell, Lisa Summers and Lorna Sheridan. TSN places volunteers from the community to assist teachers at SVHS and help with special projects. For more information visit TSN at or phone Lynn Ross at 996.4135.
The Sonoma Valley Education Foundation has raised over $3.6 million dollars over the past 17 years including $1.3 million for Sonoma Valley High School, $716,000 for technology enhancements throughout the school district, $533,000 for advanced computer skills training for teachers and $430,000 for reading, writing and literacy programs district-wide. Please visit the SVEF at or phone Laura Zimmerman at (707) 935-9566.
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