While the weekend’s heavy rains caused a sewer overflow in Aqua Caliente and a levee leak in southern Sonoma Valley, the city of Sonoma is preparing for more flooding by offering free sandbags.
Monday morning, a sewer overflow was reported in the Meadowbrook Trailer Park, with wastewater flowing into Aqua Caliente Creek. Work crews responded immediately and repairs were made within two hours, according to Ann DuBay of the Sonoma County Water Agency.
It is unlikely that fish or wildlife were affected by the overflow due to high rainfall volumes, she stated. Engineers are in the process of developing a permanent solution to overflows that occasionally occur at this site due to heavy rainfall.
Also on Monday, Sonoma County Water Agency crews responded to a leak in an earthen levee in the Hudeman Slough area, south of Ramal Road near Duhig Road. No structures are involved or at risk, Dubay reported. Repairs began Tuesday afternoon during low ride.
On a dry Dec. 21, the city of Sonoma announced a program of free sandbags at City Hall if the National Weather Service issues a flood alert for Sonoma Creek. The sand itself will be available at Depot Park.
Residents will need to bring their own shovels and, if necessary, their own bags.
The emergency distribution will begin when an official flood or flash flood watch is posted.
Sand and sandbags are also available at Friedman’s Home Improvement, 1360 Broadway. Store hours are weekdays 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.. Sat. 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sun. 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
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