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Input wanted on bike path to Santa Rosa

A proposed bike and walking trail from Santa Rosa to the Springs, a paved, 13-mile link from Melita Road to existing paths in Sonoma, is the subject of a community workshop on Saturday, October 4, at Dunbar School from 9 to 11 a.m.

The initial trail route follows the Highway 12 corridor from the Springs area northwest of Sonoma to the Santa Rosa city limits. “With public input, the study will identify feasible trail alignments,” according to Ken Tam, project manager for the Sonoma County Parks Department.

The trail would provide recreation and commuting opportunities for residents and visitors in Sonoma, the Springs area, Glen Ellen, Kenwood, and Santa Rosa, Tam said. It would also provide a link to Sonoma Valley businesses, wineries, schools, and parks and to other existing and proposed trails such as the Central Sonoma Valley Trail, Sonoma Schellville Trail, Bay, San Francisco Bay Area Ridge Trail, and Sonoma City trails.

The survey, now in its initial phase, will incorporate public input into a more detailed plan and budget. The timeline calls for a draft of the completed study to be presented next June.

Dunbar School is located at11700 Dunbar Road in Glen Ellen.

One Comment

  1. I think we should develop more bikes paths throughout the north bay area. They are safe and off the road. Plus it encourages more people to ride bikes.

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