Editor: A few nights ago, I called the CHP in reference to a driver, racing a truck with purple tail Lights, up and down local street, as I stood in my driveway talking with my neighbor about the driver a few minutes later, he decided to make another pass, louder than the last time. my neighbor then called, and was told that the CHP was currently talking to the driver, he called the dispatcher a liar, as they could as easily of heard the same driver, as he sped past us, less than 20 feet away.
What is with the mentality of our “Local Drivers” using our residential street as raceways? then as much, the same with the CHP and Local Law Enforcement not, doing what they are paid to do? When will something be done, when someone is on a slab? It’s time Sonoma starts demanding our streets be made safer for local residents.
Tired of the Traffic
I too want to echo the frustration of people driving with seemingly no regard for the lives, much less safety, of their neighbors. I live near the corner of two busy streets in town, both of which have 30 mph speed limits, and on an hourly basis people drive through the residential area at easily 10 to 20 mph over the limit. Is it going to take a small child being killed to get more enforcement? Why do we have to wait for that?
I too “fudge” the speed limits when on the freeway, but not in residential areas, even if it’s not my neighborhood. I hope that fellow readers will make to choice to be a minute or two late rather than risk the safety of their neighbors.
I also want to say that I for one would warmly welcome more Police/Sheriff patrols and speed traps. Additionally, if the radar speed signs (like the one one 5th St W) are effective, I would gladly chip in to have one installed on my block.