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Prestwood raises $18,968 in pledges at 8th annual Jog-a-Thon

Prestwood School took to the track on Friday to run for fun and funds. The event kicks off next week’s STAR testing with fresh air and exercise while raising money for the school’s PTO.

“The Jog-a-Thon is one of our school’s favorite events,” said Beth Wolk, principal. “The students have a great time getting pledges and then running the laps. We’re also about to start the Governor’s fitness challenge, where students are asked to exercise 30 minutes per day, three times each week so this is great training.”

Second grader Maya Wiggs started the event with a rousing rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner.” The school’s beloved mascot, Paws the Panther, hit the track in his running shoes, giving high fives and hugs to students, teachers and parents. All told, students ran 10,730 laps.

This year, the Jog-a-Thon’s proceeds will be used to fund computer support and maintenance, an academic event for the entire school (such as the school’s recent math festival), as well as playground items like jump ropes, balls and hula hoops.