Scheduled to close by the end of this year, the Sonoma Developmental Center will soon undergo transformations sure to affect Glen Ellen and the larger Sonoma Valley for generations to come. If you’d like to have a say in the changes soon to take place on this ecologically sensitive and historically significant property, the Glen Ellen Forum SDC/Eldridge subcommittee at Dunbar Elementary School from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Monday, April 16 for a community workshop on the future of the SDC.
In addition to updating the larger Glen Ellen and Sonoma Valley community as to the status of the SDC closure, the goals for this meeting are 1) to emphasize the need for community involvement in the decision making process, 2) to discuss the pros and cons of possible governance models, and 3) to solicit community input on the guiding principles for transformation of the SDC campus.
The meeting is open to all.
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