A Take Back the Night march on April 25 is a demand for an end to all forms of sexual, interpersonal, and gender-based violence through awareness, empowerment, and advocacy.
The local expression of the national movement will be a march down Broadway and a rally on Sonoma Plaza.
All are welcome to the event, a collaboration between Sonoma Valley High School, La Luz Center, The Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance and the Boys & Girls Club of Sonoma Valley.
The march will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Sonoma Valley High school (bus circle) at continue down Broadway to the Sonoma Plaza amphitheater, “a safe space for anyone who would like to share stories of survival, a poem or song and learn about resources.”
The conversation of consent is happening on every school campus, including Sonoma State University, according to the school paper.
“I just think that a 11-by-5 inch poster in everyone’s dorm room isn’t enough. And there should be more of an emphasis for programs, people, or places survivors can go to for help, even if the assault wasn’t recent or on campus,” Ella Andrada, a SSU freshman, told The Star. “And students need to know about it.”
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