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Major issues with high school stadium complex

I have lived adjacent to the fields at Sonoma Valley High School for over 30 years and have been supportive. When there were concerns, the high school and district administration reached out to my neighbors and me to get input and to share upcoming changes. We were personally contacted with relevant information.

However, in the past few years, things have dramatically changed. We have NOT been personally contacted with respect to current planned changes related to the high school sports complex. I acknowledge that improvements to the high school sports fields are needed. However, with the current declining enrollment, do we need such a large complex? When the bond issue was presented to the public, these plans were not clearly spelled out.

I feel the reported information to be lacking and deceptive. The orientation of the project is confusing. For example, it states the basketball courts area are near the entrance of Denmark Street which would be on the East side of the field, and not the South as suggested. 

The report states there could be seating for up to 2,500 people. This number is very alarming as there will only be parking spaces for 603 cars.Where will the overflow parking be? In the surrounding neighborhoods? How many events will be planned and will they all be sporting events? We deserve to know exactly how many night games and events are anticipated.

For any future meetings regarding this issue, I would encourage (the School District) to do more than just publishing the information in the local paper. Perhaps a mailer would be more sufficient. Several people have expressed they would have attended the October 15 meeting had they had advance notice.

— Ruth L Plagge, Sonoma

One Comment

  1. Granucci Granucci

    Agree with Ms Plagge. For a few years I owned in the same neighborhood and children could walk a halh block to both schools. The area is too small and important not to engage all. Why not?

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