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Letter From The Editor

David Bolling: How Fast Can You Sew A Glove?

Her name was Maryanne, she worked in what was then called a “sheltered workshop,” making gloves on an industrial sewing machine in hopes of qualifying for a real job in a local glove factory and achieving a degree of independence.  There were 10 or 12... Continue

Letter from the Editor David Bolling: Human Tides

Set aside for a moment, if you can, issues of Democratic and Republican politics, homeland security, official language, national identity – all the real but ephemeral concerns around which we organize our national debate on immigration reform, and think for a moment about tides. Humans... Continue

Letter from the Editor: Redacted

Human cancer is a little like Voldemort, the Dark Lord and Über Villain in the Harry Potter saga. Like Voldemort, Cancer is "he who shall not be named." Very often, people don't want to talk about cancer, when someone has it, when someone else has... Continue

Patriots!! Versus Patriotism

Apparently I’m a Patriot!! I don’t think I would ever have known that, were it not for Caleb Lee, Newt Gingrich, Tom McHugh, Matt Gaetz, Lara Trump, Ronna McDaniel, Mike Johnson, Customer Care at The Patriot Depot, and Cory Brown at Tactical Wholesaler.  All of... Continue

An Open Letter To the Board of Supervisors

This is an open letter to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, and since you are all people with names, let's use them. I am, therefore, addressing our District 1 Supervisor, Susan Gorin; District 2 Supervisor, David Rabbitt; District 3 Supervisor Chris Coursey;  District 4... Continue

Where to Place The Blame? 

The list of reasons Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential campaign seems endless:     Fox News and right-wing media.     The rise of Christian Nationalism.     Twitter (OK, X) tilting heavily toward Trump.     The power of the Big Lie.  ... Continue

Losing Our Identity – And Yet

I’m writing this early on election eve, before all the relevant western polls have closed and before Steve Kornacki has bored deep into the Big Board. So, while writing this, I don’t know whether the naked emperor will be sidelined for court appointments that will... Continue

SDC Remains At Risk

The future of the Sonoma Developmental Center continues to hang in the balance, as a Napa developer proceeds with plans for construction of almost a thousand new living units, including a plethora of single-family homes and a row of two-and-three-story housing units lining parts of... Continue