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Letters To The Editor

Wake up and smell the cannabis, Sonoma County

Sonoma County swung and missed three times in its effort to establish a successful cannabis ordinance. The board of supervisors (BOS) recently approved a temporary moratorium on permitting because it realized its flawed policy enables illegal operations. The BOS should hit pause by extending the... Continue

High school pool is the last thing we need

Building a 16-lane swimming pool during the worst drought since the 1930s Dust Bowl illustrates just how disconnected SVUSD’s school board and management have been to the real needs of Sonoma County and our students.   While water cutbacks are happening and drought kits are being... Continue

A vote for Sonoma Valley Hospital

Towards the end of a 30 year career as a management consultant and CEO, I joined the board of the Sonoma Valley Health Care District Board with an eye to helping improve the hospital’s financial structure and while implementing best business practices to enhance the... Continue

Extend the hospital parcel tax

Support Measure F. Small town community hospitals all over California risk closure, as happened in Sebastopol some years back.  Let’s not let that happen here. Over the years my family has relied on our local hospital many many times . . . for emergency room... Continue

Housing Group endorses candidates for Sonoma Council

The Sonoma Valley Housing Group finds there are two good candidates for city council in the November 2 election: James Cribb and Sandra Lowe. Both have qualities we admire.  Both evince a willingness to push the edge to preserve, protect, or produce the housing types... Continue

What’s a state highway doing in Sonoma?

At some point – like four decades ago - we need to move the state highway OUT of Sonoma. (How many California state highways have three schools within half-a-mile of each other?) But keeping freeways out of Valley of the Moon comes at a cost... Continue

Reject revenge, reject the DA recall

After the Tubbs Fire in 2017, Sonoma County District Attorney Jill Ravitch led the investigation into the abandonment of disabled seniors at Villa Capri. The investigation ended in large fines against senior care corporations controlled by millionaire developer Bill Gallaher. Gallaher has since spent more... Continue

Letter to a non-vaxxer

Let's talk about rights! Non-vaxers, you say you have the right to choose NOT to get vaccinated. Well, what about my rights? Non-vaxers took away my right to see my last living Aunt prior to her death. You took away my right to attend her... Continue

The Sebastiani Theatre is vital to the community

Today, I write to ask you to support an indispensable local institution which has once again proven itself a vital part of the interconnected web that keeps our Sonoma community alive and vibrant -- The Sebastiani Theatre.   No one thought that the pandemic-induced Theatre... Continue

Where will the water come from

Where will the water come from to grow the cannabis that the AG Department has issued multitenant ministerial permits for? This type of piecemeal processing is thwarting the CEQA process and creating essentially illegal grows in many areas of the County. The permits are being issued... Continue