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Letters To The Editor

Yes on W

As a long time Sonoma architect and Valley residents, we encourage voters in our community. Vote yes on Measure W to renew the existing Urban Growth Boundary. It is for the betterment of the citizens of the city of Sonoma and of Sonoma Valley.  -- Adrian and Mary... Continue

Former SVUSD superintendent endorses Anne Ching

I live in Area 5 of the Sonoma Valley Unified School District. As a former SVUSD superintendent and middle school principal in the SVUSD for 18 years, I have had many people ask me which candidate to support for Trustee of Area 5 in the... Continue

Objects to Sun endorsement of Measure W

I must object very strongly to your endorsement of the Measure W Exclusionary Urban Growth Boundary. In your statement you have been influenced by the full page ad those supporters took out in your paper, by falsely stating that Measure W “is an affordable mandate”.... Continue

Maintain Sonoma’s city-centered core: Vote yes on W

Voting YES  on Measure W will renew the existing 2000 voter-approved Urban Growth Boundary (similar to the City Limit boundaries) for another 20 years. Supporting the renewal of the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), which is a land-use planning tool, will focus new and rehabilitated urban... Continue

Evacuee thanks El Pueblo Inn for care, compassion

Like nearly all of our neighbors here in the valley, I’ve become too familiar with our annual fires and the accompanying stress, confusion, and inconvenience. I’m grateful not to have lost my former home in Sonoma in 2017, nor my current home in Oakmont this... Continue

A vote for Gina Cuclis

Gina Cuclis, the Vice President of the Sonoma County Board of Education, is seeking re-election. I have known Gina for many years and am extremely impressed with her public service accomplishments, her professionalism, ethics, and sincere concern about educational issues. She’s lived and raised her... Continue

I’m voting yes on Measure Y

As you might know, there’s controversy in the City of Sonoma over something which the voters decided about years ago: cannabis businesses operating in the City limits. When I say ‘cannabis businesses’ I’m not referring to the great Dispensary Controversy (that’s another topic) but rather... Continue

Renew Sonoma’s Urban Growth Boundary

Sonoma’s Urban Growth Boundary is up for renewal on the November ballot. Measure W is critical to protect open space and prevent urban development from sprawling out into the open space surrounding the City Limits. We need to encourage development within the existing Urban Growth Boundary to keep Sonoma a compact climate-wise city. Any new development should use existing infrastructure (streets, water, sewer, power lines, etc.) in town rather than taxpayers having to pay to extend those services to new development outside the city limits. We’ve visited what were formerly beautiful valleys in Southern California that have been ruined by urban sprawl. We live in a beautiful valley and Sonoma voters need to vote yes on Measure W to keep it that way. -- Matt Metzler, Sonoma Continue

Trump’s COVID denial is unconscionable

It has become clear that the deniers of the severity of COVID-19 are ignoring the science of educated specialists that have studied infectious disease, thus spreading the disease by their actions. President Trump is responsible for the deaths of thousands because he set the stage... Continue

The bright promise of Sonoma High’s new athletic fields

We would like to express our gratitude and positive spirit around the current construction taking place for the redevelopment of the Sonoma Valley High School (SVHS) athletic fields. The project is well underway and we can see how the plans will unfold. A gorgeous all-weather... Continue