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Letters To The Editor

The people’s bank of California?

Reader opinion by Chris Petlock Over the last two months we have watched city, county, and state rainy-day funds quickly drained. State and local governments are facing substantial increases in expenditures for emergency preparedness and public health responses related to COVID-19. Urgent action is required... Continue

Council’s traffic plan for Broadway is absurd

I live on East Napa Street and am very concerned about commercial traffic on the street.  I think the idea of removing any lanes for vehicles on Broadway is absurd. How will this help?  It will only increase the commercial traffic on Napa Street. Bikers... Continue

Council action on Broadway traffic issue ‘inexcusable’

I am stunned and extremely disheartened at the recent actions of the City Council regarding the reduction of lanes on Broadway. How can councilmembers, in good conscience, discount the wishes of the people that voted for them? Why did the City go to the expense... Continue

Sonoma High School does not need a new sports stadium

I read with utter dismay and shock that the school district officials approved the $15 million dollar sports arena for the high school on Tuesday night (May 5, 2020). It is interesting to me that they convened a meeting on this issue, at this time,... Continue

Big corporations are preying on small business loan program

Last week, countless small businesses across the country discovered that the government loans they were promised to stay afloat during the COVID-19 crisis were handed over to wealthy corporations before they ever saw a dime. Those small businesses are the backbone of the American dream,... Continue

Little coronavirus relief for property owners

What constitutes “significant demonstrated economic hardship” is anyone’s guess By Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association The second installment of the 2019-2020 property tax bill was due on Friday and we hope the majority of California’s property owners were able to pay... Continue

Keep your social distance, please!

People in my Springs neighborhood are ignoring social distancing, including neighboring Latinx families but also white folks up here from SF who are second homeowners and walked right up to my partner Stan who is at high risk. I’ve also seen lack of distancing at... Continue

The coronavirus and paid sick leave

The global coronavirus pandemic has walloped California, and Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered all 40 million residents to ‘shelter in place’ except for travel to purchase groceries and prescription drugs. He also urged Californians to practice ‘social distancing’ from non-family population members. The governor banned... Continue

Renters need a bailout, too

As the COVID-19 crisis escalates, numerous states are moving to close public gathering spaces and businesses in order to limit the outbreak, and many hourly and low-wage Americans are suddenly stuck wondering how they will pay their rent. This disaster has widened the existing gaps... Continue

Covid-19 bailout fails the 99 percent

Today is the third day since Congress passed a covid-19 relief bill that is supposed to actually help everyday people. The first two relief bills clearly demonstrated that people like you and me are not Congress' #1 priority. A huge corporate bailout should leave no... Continue