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Letters To The Editor

Taxes — where will it end?

Every day it seems like the California Legislature careens further off the rails, and we’re not just talking about the state’s infamous high speed rail project. The rapidity of tax increase proposals that would punish both citizen and business taxpayers is breathtaking. Particularly astounding is... Continue

The short sightedness of ‘hands-off’ government

There are those who believe there should be no government regulations imposed on business because in their view it’s none of their business. They see government as the enemy even when, like most Republicans in government, they are part and parcel of that very system.... Continue

Mystery ‘Citizens’ make a mockery of democratic process

The two large “Paid Political Advertising” ads in the Index-Tribune not only got my attention, but made me angry for the lack of transparency. Whoever paid for these ads appear frustrated about the changes in our town’s city council. If that is the case, I... Continue

It’s a time for solutions, not foot stomping

We are committed to being part of the conversation about how Sonoma can continue to be a great city and community, while dealing with the realities of change, growth, housing, traffic, and the many other issues facing all thriving communities. I was very interested in... Continue

County was wrong to include neighborhood in Springs Plan

It was simply by chance that the Donald/Lomita/Robinson neighborhood discovered a few weeks ago that we were included as part of the Springs Specific Plan. Historically, “the Springs” has always referred to a corridor one block east and west of Highway 12 from about Agua... Continue

Corporate donations undermine our political system

What happened to our political system that officials drag their feet on such issues as opposing war, single payer health care or a Green New Deal? The answer, of course, is corporate donations from weapons manufacturers, drug and insurance companies, and oil companies. These corporate... Continue

Hospital Board report: home care, nursing task force and more

By Joshua Rymer, Chair of the Sonoma Valley Hospital District Board of Directors Last week’s board meeting provided updates on several hospital initiatives including the transfer of the skilled home care program to Hospice By The Bay, the Skilled Nursing Facility Task Force, and ongoing... Continue

Save the horse farm!

Like so many others, I grew up in Sonoma.  Although we will never get back what Sonoma once had, we have an opportunity to preserve the downtown Clydesdale Farm. The Blue Wing Adobe Trust needs community support in order to acquire and preserve this historical... Continue