At its November 10 meeting, the Sonoma Valley Unified School District Superintendent and Board of Trustees showed courage and foresight, as well as a deep commitment to the health and well-being of Sonoma’s children, when they moved to phase out gasoline-powered leaf blowers on all... Continue
Letters To The Editor
As a parent of children who have gone through SVUSD schools, I wish to thank the sensible decision to prohibit gas-powered leaf blowers throughout the District made by Superintendant Louann Carlomagno and the School Board at the November 10 meeting. Having recently joined the grass-roots... Continue
The SVUSD Board of Trustees has supported Superintendent Louann Carlomagno along with Manager of Operations Tony Albini in their decision to stop using gas powered leaf blowers on school campuses. For many of us, after five years of failed attempts to educate the City Council... Continue
Editor: As I look at many of the things going on in the city of Sonoma and all of Sonoma County, I can’t help but feel money is the driving force at work. Here in Sonoma, I see “Rich Tourist Complex” underlying why our beautiful... Continue
Editor: Now that the crush is over vineyard managers can turn their attention to planting cover crops and laying straw to protect exposed dirt from the rains we will be getting soon. Alice Outwater, in her book “Water - a Natural History,” states that without... Continue
Dear City Council Members: Today I was awakened way too early in the morning (5 a.m. or so) by the garbage trucks, as I am every Tuesday. This causes a terrible disruption in my sleep which frequently leads to illness. Would you please put on... Continue
Dear editor, Soon, rains will come again to Sonoma County. How will our roads fare? I can tell you the roads I drive to work are terrible in places like on Frei Road in Graton. For decades, our previous County Supervisors have kicked the can... Continue
Editor: Last weekend in our city I made a new friend who sadly I’m losing more chances to see almost as fast--Tuncay Esener--guardian of Pandora’s Box. It was an accident, dropping into that stalled-narrow shop. Wouldn’t have taken time, had it been up to me... Continue
I support increased funding for repairs of County roads and believe that such funding should be a priority budget item. Everyone agrees that many County roads are dilapidated, in either “failing” or “poor” condition, full of potholes and with roadbeds that are literally disintegrating. Why... Continue
Though not a registered voter in Sonoma, I had hoped that the city would set an example for the rest of the County on banning leaf blowers. After (the last council) meeting I of course came away disappointed. Not only in the ban not being... Continue