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Letters To The Editor

Neighbors respond to school solar

Editor: Thank you for the great article, “School solar comes under fire,” that clearly updated our community on the discussion between neighbors and the Sonoma Valley Unified School District Board regarding the solar panel fields. This discussion outlined the safety hazards and negative property values... Continue

Behind the failure of Sonoma Valley Bank

Reader opinion by Ralph Hutchinson As a former Federal Bank Regulator, banker and now bank consultant for nearly 25 years combined, I’ve followed the Sonoma Valley Bank story as it unfolded right here in our beloved Sonoma Valley, right up until August 20, 2010 when... Continue

Federal budget deal is big mistake

The is a very bad deal and a huge mistake. Instead of capitulating to Republican ideologues in Congress, we should stand our ground on behalf of seniors, children and other vulnerable Americans. All the rhetoric about “shared sacrifice” rings hollow when the vast majority of us... Continue

Got raw milk?

Editor:  Representative Ron Paul has introduced Bill HR 1830 in Congress to remove a federal ban on raw milk because last year, with guns drawn, police officers blazed into a food club in Venice, California, a dairy in Missouri, and other locations, to protect Americans... Continue

Time warp

Editor:  “The Rocky Horror Show” is a polished, professional, thoroughly enjoyable and fun show.  Five stars, no points off.  Go see. Jim Kent Sonoma Continue

Pot raid too little, too late

Editor:  Kudos to the Sheriff’s deputies for busting the indoor marijuana farm and cloning operation recently! The good burghers of Glen Ellen will now be free of one less drug operation. But alas, the problem still remains in Glen Ellen as in the rest of... Continue

Time warp redux

Editor:  On the evening of July 7, my husband and I had the greatest pleasure of seeing “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” live! onstage! with fabulous audience participation at the Community Center.  Jonathan leaned over at least three times during the performance to tell me... Continue

Hug your local capitalist

Editor: Our current big box/chain store conversation will not be resolved by a committee  but by demand-side market capitalists: i.e., Ordinary Consumers. In that regard, the “Shop Sonoma” campaign will need to be re-tooled.  As is, it essentially asks consumers to be stupid with their... Continue

Fourth cuts to SSI

Editor: California has just cut Supplemental Security Income for the Destitute Disabled for the fourth time in the last two years. Anyone receiving SSI is officially listed as “very very low income,” living well below the poverty line. These people, if single, must live in... Continue

Hopmonk feud

Editor:  This is regarding what has become a feud between the new beer tavern Hopmonk and the neighborhood residents Everyone involved, Planning Commission, tavern owner, neighbors, seems to have lost sight of what is at stake here.  It is not the volume of the music,... Continue