In World Wars 1 and II, the at-home Victory Garden was a way to secure healthy, often scare food. Now, in the era of social distancing, the idea returns as a self-sufficient means of staying healthy -- and staying out of the store. To... Continue
What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:
With no eggs to hide on Sonoma Plaza this year, the Easter Bunny has some extra time on his paws. Saturday morning, he was out waving to motorists passing by his traditional hoping grounds. Photo by Jonathan Farrrell. Continue
Smiling behind their masks at a curbside food station at Sonoma’s Vintage House are Katie Dejongh, food coordinator, and volunteer Nika Gorman. The senior center’s Supper’s On program provides free packaged meals Monday through Friday 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (or until the donated food... Continue
The only things preventing a systemic reordering of society and priorities is a lack of imagination and a lack of political will. By Georgia Kelly | Sun personal Chaos is what the early Greeks might have called our planetary pause due to COVID-19. But, they... Continue
A community bailout plan to protect the most vulnerable working class and homeless of Sonoma County was rolled out in a virtual meeting Monday. North Bay Jobs with Justice and the North Bay Organizing Project presented SoCo United in Crisis to an audience including Sonoma... Continue
When we emerge from this crisis, will our consumer patterns change to address the looming climate crisis? Will we cooperate more and work together in living more sustainably on the planet? Georgia Kelly, of Sonoma’s Praxis Peace Institute, chooses to see this period of shelter-in-place... Continue
Today, I’m not afraid of the virus. I am afraid of the meltdown Sun Personal by Maggie Bedord When Glen Ellen was burning in October of 2017, I stood on the porch and slowly clipped away the dead branches on the pink flowered Glossy Abelia.... Continue
The Sonoma Valley Housing Group believes every effort should be made to provide every individual and family in the Valley what they need to survive this crisis. We commend the efforts being made by local groups to do so. We encourage the Valley’s wealthy to... Continue
In the age of shelter-in-place, thank goodness for home delivery. To thank the folks that bring what she needs to her home, Jackie Lee created this space-appropriate treat station on her front porch. Continue
Kathy King, executive director, Sonoma Overnight Support, shares a message of gratitude: In moments of crisis, we cannot help but get caught up in the anxiety of hour-by-hour news. But in spite of heightened tension, we have seen heartening moments of unity and partnership which... Continue