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Hacked! Idiots tamper with Sonoma Sun print issue

Hours after the July 9 issue of the Sonoma Valley Sun hit the streets yesterday, some misguided fool inserted, by hand, an anonymous flier into at least several issues, railing against the use of face masks to fight Covid-19.

The crude set of alleged “facts” reads as a manifesto against face masks, which are of course required by law in California.

Unfortunately, we are compelled to show it here:


Sun volunteers must now waste their time checking other drop-off locations – the first and hopefully only was near Sonoma Plaza – to see just how far this stunt was carried out. If you find one, disregard it – or return it to the Florida Chamber of Commerce.

The misspelling-filled missive was inserted in the same issue as a Sun editorial urging compliance with the mask law, and common courtesy. Our argument wins.

No person or group is identified as the perpetrator, probably because they are rightly embarrassed by the childish bit of vandalism.

Note to said idiot: Thanks but no thanks for recognizing The Sun as a literal means to carry your ill-argued message. But next time, perhaps for your flat-earth memo, please buy an advertisement. We could use the money, and you could use some serious fact-checking.



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