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Local Sonoma Valley News:

What’s next for Cheese Factory building?

The proposal to turn the Sonoma Cheese Factory building into a multi-tenant food and wine marketplace returns to the April 12 agenda of the Sonoma Planning Commission. The expansion plan, which includes the addition of a sub-floor to nearly the double building size to 25,000 square... Continue

Passing the torch

In the late 1960’s the world was in turmoil, much as it is today. American’s youth propelled the anti-war movement, marched for civil rights and women’s rights, and formed groups that sought to establish unity and self-determination. One such group was MEChA, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano... Continue

Under the Sun: Susan Angell, master gardener

What is a Master Gardener? Well, the mission of the program is to “teach home gardeners sustainable gardening.” Master Gardeners love gardening, have experience, and become certified by the University of California Cooperative Extension. You have to apply to get into the program, which entails... Continue

Editorial: Sonoma’s downtown parking puzzle

The streets surrounding Sonoma Plaza have long functioned like alleyways in a parking lot, but that "parking lot" is now woefully insufficient. Despite this, developers keep bringing forth plans that will make matters worse, driving downtown visitors and business employees ever deeper into the residential... Continue

Teens focus on Senior Projects

Completing a Senior Project is a ritual, and a graduation requirement, for every senior at Sonoma Valley High School. As part of the year-long assignment, students are expected to write a related research paper and present a public presentation about the project. So how’s it... Continue

Clear your clutter, shift your life

By Kari Wishingrad -- Hello, Spring. The season brings longer days, warmer weather, new growth. Traditionally, it’s an inspirational time for renewal. Cleansing, purging and new beginnings are all associated with spring. Many folks like to take the opportunity to do a diet cleanse by eliminating... Continue

Officers involved in Sonoma ‘in-custody’ death named

The names of the seven law officers involved in the March 28 death of Roderic Cameron, who died while being restrained by police after running amok in a Sonoma mobile home park, have been released by the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office. The incident began at... Continue

Meet Socorro Shiels, new school district superintendent

The Sonoma Valley Unified School District announced in March that Socorro Shiels will be offered the job as superintendent at the Board of Trustees. She will replace Chuck Young, who held the job on an interim basis after the resignation of Louann Carlomagno last June.... Continue