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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Sonoma Planning Director David Goodison Resigns

David Goodison, long time Planning Director in the City of Sonoma, surprised the Planning Commission Thursday night by announcing that he had turned in his resignation to the City Manager, effective August of this year. In remarks to the commission, Goodison explained that having gotten... Continue

Teens busy with Senior Projects

Completing a Senior Project is a ritual, and a graduation requirement, for every senior at Sonoma Valley High School. As part of the semester-long assignment, students are expected to write a related research paper and present a public presentation about the project. So how’s it... Continue

Sonoma man guilty of child molestation

Paul Dwayne Kilgore, once the athletic director for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley, has been found guilty of six counts of child molestation. The jury found that Kilgore, 70, had committed the offenses against multiple victims, who were all under the age... Continue

Hanna Boys Center keeps license

Hanna Boys Center will continue to operate as a group home for at-risk teen boys after state authorities agreed not to pursue revocation of its license, Hanna CEO Brian Farragher announced today. Reacting to allegations of sexual abuse and safety concerns, the Department of Social... Continue

No papers? You still have rights

While the talk in Sonoma focuses on housing, school budget cuts and rebuilding after the wildfires, the story of roundups and attacks on the immigrant community has been going almost unobserved. The Rapid Response Networks in many counties all over northern California, including Sonoma, Napa,... Continue

Historic Sonoma horse farm for sale

The Castagnasso Clydesdale Farm, the scenic horse pasture adjacent to the Sonoma Mission on East Spain Street, is on the market $7.6 million. Zoned for residential development, the overall property could ultimately see up to 30 units built on its 2.7 acres. The lot, owned... Continue

SV Chamber of Commerce names new CEO

The Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce has a new CEO: Santa Rosa native Mark Bodenhamer, who for seven years held the top spot at the San Juan Capistrano Chamber. He replaces Patricia Shults who stepped down from the role in late January after having led the... Continue

Springs public art project gets $10k grant

[caption id="attachment_86946" align="aligncenter" width="420"] San Francisco-based artist Chor Boogie[/caption] Sonoma Valley Museum of Art has been awarded a $10,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to bring public art to the Springs. The artist residency project will be led by guest artist Chor... Continue

Update: Valley students protest against lax gun laws

[caption id="attachment_86958" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Sonoma Valley High School students assemble along Broadway[/caption] Sonoma Valley High Schools students walk out of school Wednesday morning to join a nationwide protest against gun violence. The orderly assembly came one month after 17 people were murdered at Marjory Stoneman... Continue

Hawing resigns as principal of Sonoma Valley High

Sonoma Valley High School Principal Kathleen Hawing will leave the post at the end of this school year with plans to return to teaching. Hawing was named the school’s principal of in April of 2013 after serving one school year as a vice principal. “It... Continue