You’re the face of La Luz. Everyone who comes in the door is greeted with your warm smile. I love my job. I think of myself as the “front line.” I find out what people really need, not just what they asked for when they... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
On Earth Day, I joined over 40,000 people in Washington DC for the March for Science. I marched in solidarity for the advancement of science and to further the pursuit of progress in this field. Because of recent events including the rollback of environmental protections,... Continue
By Kati Kelly | Sun Style -- Some of my favorite memories are of nights spent under the stars. Barbecues that stretch long into the evening. Dinners under the warm glow of stringed party lights in trees. Nights spent cozied up next to a fire... Continue
Jillian Beall has been named as the principal at Dunbar Elementary School beginning with the 2017-18 school year. Currently the vice principal of Adele Harrison Middle School, Beall will remain in that assignment until the end of the current school year, School District Superintendent Louann... Continue
Guest opinion by Sharon Nevins and Joshua Rymer -- Trustees of the Sonoma Valley Healthcare District are often asked why our hospital needs a parcel tax? It’s an important question deserving a direct answer. The Sonoma Valley Healthcare District was formed in the 1940s specifically to... Continue
Standings (as of May 2) W L Falcons 13 0 Angels 9 4 Bears 8 4 Mustangs 8 5 Cardinals 6 7 Tigers 5 8 Red Sox 2 11 Blue Jays 1 11 Results Falcons 13 Mustangs 2 Jaden Vides hit 2xHRs including a... Continue
When you were a teenager, selling dime bags of pot to your friends for cash to buy Eight-Track tapes, you were a lowlife, a druggie, a loser. Now that same kind of entrepreneurial spirit can make you a star of the new potconomy! To assist... Continue
Each year, Sonoma Valley High School selects two students of the year, nominated and voted on by the school’s staff. This year, there were three Students of the Year: seniors Jose Zamora, Hannah Ford-Monroe, and, posthumously, Brandon Barmore. Principal Kathleen Hawing said, “We are incredibly... Continue
Juan Hernández, executive director of La Luz, has announced a fundraising campaign to help his organization coordinate the various local efforts to serve the immigrant community at this time of crisis. Although La Luz has always worked to connect clients to community services, Hernández noted... Continue
An inmate was discovered missing from Santa Rosa’s North County Detention Facility this morning after his clothing was found along the perimeter fence at about 8:30 a.m. The escapee has been identified as 27-year-old Richard Medina of Windsor. He is also known as Ricardo Medina.... Continue