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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

Sonoma County roads update

As of noon today, Monday, Jan. 9, Sonoma County Transportation and Public Works has opened 23 roads, and we are continuing to monitor and clear the remaining roads below: Bohemian Hwy Drake Road Eastside Road Green Valley Road Los Amigos Road Mark West Station Road... Continue

Under the Sun: Leslie Nicholson

The Sun's Sarah Ford recently sat down with Leslie Nicholson, founder of RISK, a Sonoma support group for parents whose kids face substance abuse, bullying, or other challenges. Tell me about RISK and how it got started. The idea for RISK, which stands for Resources,... Continue

School superintendent: next steps in school bond process

This election year marked the 95th anniversary of Sonoma Valley Union High School passing a bond to build the new Sonoma Valley High School. I’m excited to say the commitment to education prevails in Sonoma Valley with the passing of Measure E. To say I’m... Continue

County braces for big storm; sandbags available

The National Weather Service is currently forecasting a strong winter storm to pass over Sonoma County beginning Saturday and continuing through Monday.  Heavy rainfall and some flooding of rivers and creeks is possible. The County is closely monitoring the situation, and is prepared to open... Continue

Good news and happy thoughts

Happy news from Ukiah, where longtime Sonoma resident Rosemarie Indelagato, she of the green thumb and pink house, celebrated her 101st birthday on Christmas day. The noted gardener lived at France and Broadway until mid-2014 when she moved to Ukiah to be with family. She... Continue

Hospital Board to revise RFP for land sale

At the 1/5/16 Hospital Board of Director’s meeting, Board member Bill Boerum made a motion to table the Request For Proposal (RFP) agenda item seven. Agenda item seven states: “Discussion and approval of letter requesting proposals to develop the South Lot.” A Sun staff report... Continue

Sonoma Farmers Market plans back on track

At a 1/5/17 Plaza picnic table meeting with the Sonoma City Council farmer’s market ad hoc committee of Gary Edwards and Amy Harrington, it appears that the farmer’s market review process is proceeding in a positive direction. Council member Amy Harrington explained that the council... Continue

What Books Did Sonoma Read in 2016?

Word is people in the Sonoma Valley are still reading books, so the SUN set out to verify this, talking with Lisa Musgrove, manager of our local branch of the Sonoma County Library, and Jude Sales, manager of Sonoma’s only bookstore, Readers’ Books. “The love... Continue

Alejandro Águilar on our turbulent times

Friends and readers, here I am once more, sharing my feelings in these turbulent times. Is this the moment to be fearful?  Not at all.  Even less is it a time to just be waiting for uncomfortable actions to be directed specifically at the Hispanic... Continue