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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

Wine internship in Hungary

The Sonoma-Tokaj Sister Cities Committee is offering a unique work, learning and cultural experience this Fall for someone from the Sonoma area working the wine harvest in the famous wine town of Tokaj, Hungary.  Sonoma and the world-class wine region of Tokaj have been Sister... Continue

Kitchen Concert with The Quixotics

The Sonoma Community Center’s Kitchen Concert Series presents The Quixotics, a Sonoma-based trio comprised of Jennie Nourse, Cynthia Tarr, and Kim Hughes. The trio performs Sunday, February 25 at 6pm. Tickets $15 at the door/profits to the SCC Music Program. The Quixotics are Sonoma-based trio... Continue

Best of ‘Luck’ from SV Rotary

The Rotary Club of Sonoma Valley has launched ticket sales for the annual Luck o' the Irish Raffle, with 100% of the raffle proceeds go towards the club’s grants to local education and nonprofit groups. The grand prize is $10,000, and four additional ticket holders will... Continue

Review: ‘Sylvia’ shines at Sonoma Arts Live

By Barry Willis A rambunctious dog drives a wedge between a couple of empty-nesters in Sylvia at Sonoma Arts Live through February 18. Melody Payne delights and astounds as the lovable stray dog whose name gives the title to A.R. Gurney’s sweet story. David Shirk is perfectly cast... Continue

The cookies are coming!

Pass the milk -- Girl Scouts cookie season is here. The original pop-up businesses, the in-person cookie booths will start appearing in Sonoma Valley on February 11. There’s even a Cookie Locator to find when and where.  The line-up: Thin Mints, Trefoils, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-Si-Dos,... Continue

Incompetence and delay from State Parks

As a lifelong resident of the Sonoma Valley and a volunteer docent at the Jack London State Historic Park, I am deeply disappointed with the failure of the State Parks Department to complete the CEQA report (triggered by the Retired State Rangers suit) in a... Continue

Volunteer Spotlight: Linda Odetto

“I like to volunteer at Sonoma Community Center because it has a long history of community engagement,” says Linda Odetto. “I have always felt welcome here. There is a place for everyone, and it’s a great place to meet new people from all over Sonoma... Continue

Editorial: Government as a business enterprise

Government is not a business; its purpose is not to make a profit, but to further the aim of creating a good society. What constitutes a good society is a matter of varying opinion, but in America it usually shows as (a), protecting private property... Continue

Sonoma Valley nonprofit news

Pets Lifeline was awarded Nonprofit of the Year from the Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce at the State of the Valley event on January 5. Since 1987, the PLL organization has been dedicated to protecting animal lives through sheltering and adoption, humane education and community... Continue

Sun on the Street: Your scariest thing ever

What is the scariest thing you've ever done?   Karin, Sonoma Probably the scariest thing I’ve ever done was have children. Raising them in a world where you want them to be socially conscious and contribute to the community is a big responsibility. I have... Continue