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Local Sonoma Valley News:

For ride home, Uber sends riding mower

A Springs man filed a complaint against Uber when the service sent a riding mower to take him home from a Plaza restaurant. In the spirit of the shared economy, the driver offered to mow the man’s lawn once they arrived at his home, if... Continue

Marching madness

As they work together to find a new producer of Sonoma’s Fourth of July Parade, the City and Sonoma Community Center shouldn’t forget the Tourism Improvement District as a possible funding partner. The entity, funded by a two percent hotel room tax, was created in... Continue

Sonoma’s sewage situation is no April Fools’ joke

Recently brought to our attention is the Annual Compliance Report of the California Water Board issued in 2015, which lists the Sonoma County Valley Sanitation District as #2 in raw sewage spills in the State of California for fiscal year 2013-14. This unwelcome distinction is... Continue

Innovation in a time of scarcity

The recession was not good for California public schools. While Sonoma Valley schools were able to avoid the massive layoffs that many large urban districts faced, we nevertheless had to reduce personnel through attrition, cut programs, and generally tighten our institutional belt.   Our mantra... Continue

Alejandra Cervantes is ‘Woman of the Year’

Alejandra Cervantes, founder and executive director of Nuestra Voz of Sonoma Valley, has been honored as Sonoma County Woman of the Year for the Fourth Assembly District. In recognition of Women’s History Month, Assemblymember Bill Dodd honored one woman from each of the counties he represents... Continue

Under The Sun: Randi Sherman, author

What inspired you to write “The Lobby”? I don’t know really, I had been writing linear novels, with a clear main character, a beginning, middle and end. I started writing “The Lobby” in the same way, but as I introduced more and more supporting characters,... Continue

School district chief: Innovation in a time of scarcity

By Louann Carlomagno | Superintendent, Sonoma Valley Unified School District --  The recession was not good for California public schools. While Sonoma Valley schools were able to avoid the massive layoffs that many large urban districts faced, we nevertheless had to reduce personnel through attrition, cut... Continue

How our school gardens grow

by Stacey Tuel | Special to The Sun Across the Valley, our children are digging deep into understanding how to nourish themselves. With thriving school gardens in each elementary, middle, and high school, our students learn with their hands (and tastebuds) where their food comes... Continue

Victim of horse trailer accident named

Sonoma County Sheriff Coroner’s Office has released of the person who died on Thursday afternoon, March 24, 2016, after being pinned behind a horse trailer and vehicle, at a property gate on Dunbar Road in Glen Ellen. The deceased is identified as Jack Allen Bingham,... Continue