Throughout the month of October, Sonoma Valley Hospital’s Women’s Health Center will offer no-cost mammograms for uninsured and underinsured Sonoma Valley women over the age of 40. The screening program, known as Project Pink, is made available as a community service through a special grant... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Meet Grayson! Grayson is a 1-2 year old short haired gray male. He was found on a busy street and brought in by a caring man. He has a small white star on his chest...maybe indicating that he'd like to be the star of your... Continue
I love this time of year in Sonoma. The early morning crispness in the air whispers autumn. Leaves are just starting to turn color. My fig tree sports splashes of yellow and the liquidambar down the block is revealing its first red leaves. I especially... Continue
Exclusive to the Sun by Jonathan Farrell "It's the glaze," said Grass Valley ceramic artist Chic Lotz. "I had to learn a lot on my own just to get it right. Much of what I learned they did not teach in college." Lotz has spent this... Continue
(By Stephanie Hiller) “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” -- Henry Kissinger “Local” has become a buzzword. Even the Sonoma Chamber of Commerce has taken the acronym as... Continue
Here’s the model for making bank in the apartment investment market. First, like all ambitious development projects, use other people’s money. Two, like PFI Incorporated, buy a complex where rents are low relative to market demand – the Sonoma Mission apartments, for example, for $7.85... Continue
Dear Editor: We are writing with regard to the recent emergence of vacation rentals in our Glen Ellen neighborhood. Currently, on one square block composed of narrow country roads, at least five formerly residential properties have been converted to exclusive use as vacation rentals within... Continue
More than 250 cool rides -- plus vintage airplanes, military vehicles and even a tank -- showed up for the “Pistons, Pin-Ups and Pinot" event Saturday at Sonoma Valley Airport. Sheryl Carlucci, of the host Vintage Aircraft, was blown away by a huge number of participants and... Continue
[caption id="attachment_58809" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Pictured, from left: Marcie Waldron, Wayne Schake, Celia Schake, Jeanne Allen, Jackie Jordan, Jackie Martens, Jennifer Churchill, John Melillo, Bill O'Neal, Susan Hoeffel, Curt Carleton, Chip Allen, Holly Seaton, Jan Hoeffel, Jon Parker, George Merrick, Jeff Walter, Kathleen Hill, Jeanne MacPherson,... Continue
Barbara White Perry, a Valley resident for the last 30 years, has been named Treasure Artist for 2016 Sonoma’s Cultural and Fine Arts Commission. Her reaction? “I’m stunned,” she said. “Is this for real?” The Commission noted her accomplishments as a painter but also as... Continue