That hour you lost last March? You can have it back on Sunday, November 2, as Daylight Savings Time ends…or begins. Whatever. A nuisance either way. So set your old-time clocks back (the enabled devices will handle it themselves) and enjoy an extra hour of... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Are you toxic? You probably are. In fact, you would probably be shocked if you knew how toxic you really are. Without going into the gory details, lets just say if you were to die today and we were to open you up it would... Continue
(By Jay Jasperse | Sonoma County Water Agency). The Sonoma Valley is a wonderful place to live, but this ostensible oasis is quite vulnerable to water supply stresses. Residents of Sonoma Valley rely on a mix of groundwater and surface water to meet the needs... Continue
Haven’t mailed your ballot yet? The Registrar of Voters Office, which warns that ballots not already sent may not arrive in time to be counted, will offer weekend drop-off service at the Sonoma Veterans Building, 126 First St. W. The staffed drop-off center will be... Continue
Editor: After reading the city’s 2014 Water Rate Study, I must again call on Sonoma’s water service customers to join me in protesting against the proposed higher water rates. I strongly objected to these in 2012 and the City Council voted not to implement the... Continue
Michelle Dale, Anne Marie Sebastiani and Piper Abodeely have backgrounds in training, coaching, leadership, business development and healthy living. Last March, they kicked around an idea for conference for women to learn about those topics, from experts, together in one place, with wine and socializing... Continue
Experts from Sonoma Valley Hospital’s Palliative Care program and Hospice by the Bay will discuss advanced care planning in a November 13 panel discussion at Vintage House The event is titled “Planning Ahead – Making Your Health Care Wishes Known,” and is open to the... Continue
In another of its promotional and networking events for area professionals, The Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce presents a Business Showcase on Wednesday, October 29, 5 to 7 p.m. at Carneros Brewing Company. Business people and the general public are invited to explore a marketplace... Continue
(By Frank Samson) I love learning about new ways technology can be used to enhance people’s lives. So when I heard about Nina Downing and her WebCam Physical Therapy, I wanted to learn more, an she joined me for a segment on my KSVY radio... Continue
Where on earth (or beyond?) are these creepy ghouls hanging out? See next week's Sun (10/30) for the answer. Continue