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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Get truly healthy in 2014

By Heather Morgan. Greetings of the season, Sonoma. Have you made your resolutions for 2014? I'll bet if you look back at your New Year’s resolutions over the past several years, and perhaps even longer, they’ve all been pretty similar. If not, great, that means... Continue

Movement, dance and music just for little ones

In response to local families looking to educate and entertain young children, the Sonoma Community Center will launch three classes in its “Fun for Five and Under” program this month. SCC utilized a consortium of educators, including participants from the Sonoma Conservatory of Dance, Sonoma... Continue

How to join Sheriff’s Citizen’s Academy

The Sonoma County Sheriff's Office's is accepting applications for its Citizen's Academy Spring Session, a nine-week program that provides an inside look at local law enforcement. During the academy, which begins January 29, students will learn about police ethics, communications, crime prevention, criminal law, and... Continue

Seasonal showcase

Jeff Holloway and Thomas McCabe of Sonoma's Eminent Design accept the trophy for the second annual Holiday Window Contest, sponsored by the Sonoma Visitors Bureau. Forty-two Sonoma businesses participated in the seasonal showcase, and 1,052 ballots were cast. Continue

Drive your own car on Sonoma Raceway

For the first time ever, Sonoma Raceway will allow race fans and amateur drivers to drive their own cars for a few laps around the track, all in the name of charity. the Sonoma Chapter of Speedway Children's Charities debuts its first-ever Laps for Charity... Continue

Suzanne Brangham named 2014 Alcaldessa

The City of Sonoma’s highest honor for public service, the Alcadessa, was awarded Monday night to Suzanne Brangham. In making the announcement at the City Council meeting, Mayor Tom Rouse saluted Brangham for her tireless efforts on behalf of Sonoma Valley Hospital, Sonoma Community Center,... Continue

City drops cell tower plan

The Sonoma City Council killed AT&T’s plans for the installation of an 80-foot cell phone tower disguised as a pine tree on the Sebastiani Winery property on Fourth Street East and Lovall Valley Road. Monday’s 4-1 vote overturned unanimous approval by the Planning Commission. Officials... Continue

Booker honored with new La Luz post

La Luz Center, the Sonoma Valley nonprofit that empowers the community through education, leadership and self-advocacy, has elected two new board members. Ligia Booker, the organization’s founder, has been named Director Emeritus, and Salvador Picazo Chavez has also joined the board. Born in Colombia to... Continue

Reaching out in the Springs

A new position to serve clients of both the La Luz Center and the Sonoma Valley Community Health Center (SVCHC), the job of Community Outreach & Navigator, has been filled by Catalina Chavez-Tapia. Representing both agencies, which have similar and overlapping clientele, Chavez-Tapia will work... Continue