The City of Sonoma’s Public Works Department asks that residents help reduce surface flooding threatened by winter rains by not raking leaves into the street for the street sweeper to pick up. Please place leaves in your yard debris container. Leaves that are raked into... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
[caption id="attachment_22209" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="Students at El Verano School were fascinated by the visual lesson they got when they attempted to make their way through the Pollinators’ maze. Initiated by teacher Dave Neubacher, the maze helped students learn more about what pollinators do for the... Continue
Mary Evelyn Arnold, a tireless volunteer for Sonoma non-profits and the public library, has been named Sonoma Alcalde by Mayor Laurie Gallian. The honorary title is bestowed annually on a resident who takes a leading, selfless role in community service to Sonoma Valley and, according... Continue
Is the kind, eccentric old gent really Santa Claus? An adorably young Natalie Wood thinks so, and the rest of New York City comes around in this feel-good flick from 1947. With Edmund Gwen as one of the definitive screen Santas, the free movie wraps... Continue
Picking a winner of the original Helen Minelli painting ‘”Iris” is the late Sonoma artist’s granddaughter, Sassarini fifth-grader Michelle Minelli, right, and her great niece Maria Toimil of Exchange Bank, which sponsored the raffle to benefit the school’s Outdoor Education Program. The winner, contacted by... Continue
[caption id="attachment_22183" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="Sgt. Spencer Crum recently joined the Sonoma Police Department. "][/caption] There’s a new sargeant in town and his name is Spencer Crum. A 20-year veteran of law enforcement, the deputy is the newest member of the Sonoma Police Department. Sonoma was... Continue
Municipal water customers in Sonoma can now pay their bills online through the city of Sonoma website. The new service allows customers to view utility bills online, see utility bill and payment history, and make one-time or automatic payments from a credit or debit card,... Continue
It’s never too early to think about what to do with the Christmas tree once you take it down. The best idea, let the local Girl Scouts pick it up and recycle it for you. For the eleventh year in a row, local Sonoma and... Continue
The 12-member board of directors of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley recently gained two new members; Dr. Lora Eichner and Kevin Jaggie. Eichner has been serving on the club’s programs committee and, as a pediatrician, has a special interest in growing the... Continue
Two additional deputies have been added to Valley patrols to get drunk drivers off the road this holiday season. Stepped-up enforcement will be in effect county-wide through Jan.3. The extra work hours are made possible by a state grant through the Avoid the 13 DUI... Continue