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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Woodland Star triathletes raise $26,000

Mara Lee Ebert, left, “somehow and shockingly” took third place in her age category at the Pacific Grove Triathlon. “I’m glad I didn’t goof off any more than I did because I beat the fourth place finisher by just two seconds,” she said. New to... Continue

Sonoma County CASA seeks volunteer mentors for neglected children

[caption id="attachment_19586" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="Court Appointed Special Advocate volunteers can make a big difference in the lives of neglected children. "][/caption] Every day in Sonoma County, children are removed from their homes because they have been abused, neglected, or abandoned. Through no fault of their... Continue

Sonoma celebrates Mexican Bicentennial

An Aztec dancer was part of the celebration of Mexico’s bicentennial on Sunday, as a festive crowd of some 2,500 enjoyed a traditional food fair, Danza Azteca Xantotl, Ballet Folklórico Quetzalén, the traditional Grito de Dolores and Los Ritmicos. Mayor Steve Barbose welcomed the crowd,... Continue

Supervisor Brown holds Sonoma office hours

Supervisor Valerie Brown will hold office hours on September 16, from 3 to 7 p.m. at 810 Grove Street in El Verano. “Having office hours in Sonoma has been very successful and well received by constituents,” Brown said. “It gives people a chance to voice... Continue

City calls meeting on leaf blowers

The public is invited to a special meeting to discuss the use of leaf blowers within city limits on Monday, September 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Meeting Room, 175 First St. W. Members of the Community Services & Environment Commission will take up... Continue

Thief hits memorial garden

Two mosaic tributes to the lives of lost Prestwood students were stolen recently from the school's Perfect Moments Garden. The sacred space, dedicated in May, honors the memory of Aidan and Grace Maloney, Anjalee Sanchez and Rachel Siery. The tiles were in place for most... Continue

STAR results are in, progress is slow but steady

At Tuesday night’s school board meeting, new Director of Curriculum and Instruction for the Sonoma Valley Unified School District, Lynn Fitzpatrick, rolled out the STAR test results for the 2009-2010 school year. Overall the progress has been steady in both English Language Arts and math,... Continue

Music fest adds Doobie Brothers

[caption id="attachment_18993" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="The Doobie Brothers"][/caption] The suspense, if there was any, is over, and the lineup for the B.R. Cohn music festival is set. Confirmed for the opening night concert are The Doobie Brothers, the event’s perennial headliners who had been suspiciously absent... Continue

In tribute and remembrance

A ceremony marking the ninth anniversary of 9/11 was held Friday at St. Francis Solano School in Sonoma. Students, teachers and parents were joined by representatives of local fire and police departments, military personnel and a commercial airplane pilot who is also a school dad.... Continue

Support for art made Plein

On behalf of art teachers in Valley schools, School Superintendent Louann Carlomagno accepts a $79,000 donation from Plein Air Foundation founder Keith Wicks. Dozens of recipients attended a brief ceremony Friday morning at district headquarters. The money will help offset drastic budget cuts that have... Continue