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Local Sonoma Valley News:

SF sculpture gallery merges with Sonoma location

Sculpturesite Gallery, San Francisco’s only venue devoted to contemporary fine art sculpture since 2005, is merging with its sister gallery at Cornerstone Sonoma. Re-named “a new leaf gallery I sculpturesite”, the gallery owners Brigitte Micmacker and John Denning will host a grand opening celebration at... Continue

Playing on tradition

Kate Kennedy’s Avalon Players revives the faux restoration farce “La Bête,” named Best New Comedy in 1992 on London’s West End, in a run at Andrews Hall at the Sonoma Community Center. The Moliere pastiche follows the antics of a stately acting troupe in 17th... Continue

Department of Education grants $3 million to Sonoma Valley schools

A breakthrough program piloted at El Verano Elementary School has resulted in the recent grant of $3 million to all five elementary schools in the Sonoma Valley Unified School District.  A program of the Exploratorium’s Institute for Inquiry and El Verano elementary school, it involves... Continue

Local talent named Executive Director of La Luz

La Luz Center announced with great pride that Yvonne Hall has been chosen to take the helm of the nonprofit which has been serving the community since 1989.  Board president Kimberly Blattner made the announcement following a meeting on Monday, August 9 at which the... Continue

New board members for Impact100 Sonoma

[caption id="attachment_18223" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Submitted Photos Arleen Curry was elected to the Impact100 Sonoma board of directors."][/caption] Impact100 Sonoma’s board of directors elected Arleen Curry and Ann Reder as new board members at its recent meeting. Both women are founding members of the organization. Within... Continue

Fresh website answers Farmers Market critics

The criteria for vendors, who’s on the waiting list and how to lodge a complaint – topics long obscured to the point of city council complaint – are among the fresh content on the revamped Sonoma Valley Certified Farmers Market website. “All the old concerns... Continue

Beekeeper is buzzing about city hives

In celebration of National Honeybee Awareness Day and the fact that beekeeping is soon to be legal in Sonoma city limits, the Sonoma County Beekeeper’s Association present a fundraising reception – complete with honey tasting – and movie screening August 21 at the Sebastiani Theatre. “I’m... Continue

Awakening a legacy at age 60… and beyond

When Susan Rickert celebrated her 60th birthday and all five children were raised, educated and out the door, she declared to her husband Tom, “I’m out the door to see the world.” Rickert was no bus-riding tourist. She focused instead on her long-standing love affair... Continue

Pipe shop opens in Springs

[caption id="attachment_18187" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="Mark Burton and Stan Pappas are the owners of Pipe Pirates, a new retail store in the Springs"][/caption] If you’re looking for a new way to smoke tobacco – and granted, some of the 400 devices are not your grandfather’s pipe... Continue